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Hey there everyone! :)

This is a pretty big thing I wanted to let you in on. After much support, and the love I have for creating these animations for y'all, I've decided to make my passion my full time job!

Many may not know, but I do work in the media industry for my day-job. So you might also know how scary it can be to let that go to go all in on something. I have been gauging if this was an option for me for a few months now, and feel it can be as such.

There are also other reasons why I want to do this. Having 2 jobs that take up so much of my time has been a bit of a stress on me. And of course, It is hard to find time to work on animations that way.

But by moving full time here on Patreon, I will be able to put in more time on them, which means: Animations coming out more frequently! 

Which is yet another reason I'm attempting this. There are so many ideas out there, and I want to be able to bring them into the world for y'all. Having to only focus on these projects will ease my mind as well, which I believe might result in less rushed solutions and overall better quality. Tiers won't be affected either, except maybe "Idea Tier" patrons getting more stuff, as I had discussed in a post a few moths back. 

So I'm looking forward to this, and will truly appreciate your support (as I do ^^) as I go through this professional transition in my life :) I am already taking the steps to begin this, more updates on that when the time comes.

Next update should have the sketch illustrations of all the runner up ideas from the last poll (ANIM#10). So stay tuned for that ^^





Bill Koch

Congratulations, Taka! That’s a very adventurous move and I applaud you for taking it! I’m happy to support you to make this dream possible. It’s been fun to be on this journey with you for a long time.


Congratulations, I know how dangerous the creative content work world can be to step into and join, so I wish you big success.


This is exciting news!!! I'll continue to do what I can to support! 😀


This is a tremendous decision. I sincerely hope you find it fulfilling and rewarding in every way.


This is wonderful news! Your work is very awesome (and sexy). I wish you all the best and note that we are here to support you. :)


I feel that I should inform you that I have seen your uncensored works being posted on pornhub and some discord channels, not sure if you knew.


Thanks Bill! Always nice seeing ya ‘round here~ ^_^ I’m very thankful for the support you’ve given me!


Thanks Jelan! It is quite a bit scary, but I am quite grateful to my supporters for giving me the chance to even try!


Thank you Jarrett! It is truly much appreciated~! ^_^


Yes, this is quite unfortunate. I try the best I can to prevent / get this fixed, but if y’all can report it to the site it’s being hosted on, that would be a great help!


Hey Taka! I love your stuff and I know I’ve commented something like this before but I’d really love it if you made just one animation with a ton of body hair because I feel like that would really make it hotter in my opinion

Matthew Fredrick

Congratulations on making the leap as a full time artist. We got your back!


Nice artwork

Randy Thomas

Can you put some emphasis on the ass growth? The couple wish animation was fantastic!


What else do you do