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Yo~! ^^
Just a quickie here to tell ya I've moved on to the next stage! Shading~~ Also, I've received the voice acting work for this animation, so most of the 'Sound Design' stage is also already completed! :)

Last week my comp actually went through an unbelievable BSOD boot loop. I learned a bit of MS-Dos and commands and did everything possible but to no avail. Thankfully, all my files and documents were intact so I backed them up. However, I had to reinstall my comp's OS and programs/ settings. But everything is back to the way it was more or less, (some things better, my animation software is now the newest version). Therefore, I'm back on track now, so no worries! :)

Gonna enjoy my day of birth today in just a bit. See you soon on the next update guys! ^^





It’s my birthday too!


Happy B-DAY to you both then😎


Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday, looking forward to the video. :)

Rood Inverse

Sorry about your computer, but I'm glad you were able to recover your work. Thanks for the update and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


Thanks for the nice comments peeps! ^^ Had quite a fun b-day. Now back to work on the animation~! :)


Happy Birthday! I can't wait!


Can you at least post some screenshots pleasssseeeee. We have been waiting over a month in anticipation!