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Hey, everybody. I thought I'd tell you a little bit about what's going on and why I'm updating less often.

As you may have heard, I have to live outside my country now, everything is much more expensive here and I have to work part-time to live normally.

In fact, I work on the game either after work (although the forces, frankly speaking, not enough) or on weekends. Mostly on weekends.

This is unlikely to change in the near future, but I will try to increase the frequency of updates (plus there are a couple of cool ideas for side projects...). And where do I find the time and energy to do it all?).

At the moment I'm working on a small update about Sidney which will be released at the end of the month and a new big update which will be released by the end of the year.

To all subscribers, thank you for your help! Without it none of this would be possible!

Love you!

(A little shot from the upcoming update)




stay safe and take care


You be you and do what you gotta do! I wish you well! You kick ass!