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Hello everyone!!!
On this day, exactly one year ago, one extremely lazy panda decided to post his vision of this wonderful genre of "Adult Games".
A lot has happened during this year! Not everything turned out as I wanted, objective reasons and subjective laziness obviously contributed to it...
But even failure gives valuable experience!
But I believe we can do more!
We will make this project so much better!
In my restless head, many new and twisted ideas and concepts are already maturing!

And of course, it is all possible only because of your help! It's only because of your financial support that after work, I'm not sitting in the local bar until midnight, but running home to write new kinky adventures!
I also want to thank some of you personally...  

20meiki92 - dude has been tirelessly backing me for almost a year! THANK YOU!    

Jostein Enerhaugen - has been a generous supporter of the game for a very long time!    

Gamelover - wasn't here all the time, but always stayed in our hearts!   dom caswell - just a cool dude who has been supporting the game for a long time!  

And of course - MrDisturbed! He's been with us for almost a year, and has been silently supporting the game with his coin!  
I love you guys!

Love, everyone, hugs to everyone, kisses too! (no homo... or...)

P.S - The update will be out tomorrow.
