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I hate to be writing this since it should be common sense, but it has come to my attention that some of you have been using my Patreon content to make Tiktok edits, amongst other things.
I don't condone this as it is extremely disrespectful to me, my projects, and the other Patrons who are subscribed to my content. If you've been using my unreleased Patreon content for anything, PLEASE delete any posts containing this content. You know who you are.
Just because you're paying for content doesn't allow you leak it; it defeats the purpose of Patreon exclusive content. And if you didn't know about this before, you know now. Don't disrespect your favourite creators like this. Thanks.


Callie LeClaire

I'm so sorry this happened, idk why someone would disrespect you like that.


yeah its happened more than once and its really fucking upsetting