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Figured I should post this somewhere, so here we go!

I recently finished creating a Gone shimeji! (Shamelessly copy/pasted from last shimeji:)  What's a shimeji, you may or may not ask? Well, shimejis are little sprites that crawl around on your desktop and occasionally perform little actions such as pushing a browser window, or just doing some cutesy animation. You can usually interact with them with a mouse pointer, and they're just all around super cute.

This Gone Shimeji, however, has what one might call a "calm" AI, so they won't clone (a common feature for most shimejis), and rarely push browser windows. Essentially they get to walk around the desktop and look cute. Or you can be a horrible horrible monster like me and literally throw them around the screen and make them slam into things.

If you would like to download a Gone Shimeji of your very own, the file is available as an attachment on this post! Simply download it, extract it, and travel through the folders until you find the executable JAR file labelled "Shimeji"! If you have trouble there's also tutorials online ;w; 



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