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I thought for sure that about half of this speedpaint would be a goner, my computer had a nasty case of the Windows Update Restarts Without Telling Me while I was recording this. Thankfully Autodesk has an autosave feature, but some metadata for part of the recording wasn't doing too well and the recording was unviewable due to corruption. With a stroke of luck though, I managed to recover it after rendering out in premiere a few times! Something something I guess the preview for playback just wasn't written in. Hooray! 

EDIT: Apparently I forgot to make this video viewable before scheduling it and going to bed lmao, should be fixed now!


On Borrowed Time: Chapter 3, Page 18 Speedpaint

I thought for sure that about half of this speedpaint would be a goner, my computer had a nasty case of the Windows Update Restarts Without Telling Me while I was recording this. Thankfully Autodesk has an autosave feature, but some metadata for part of the recording wasn't doing too well and the recording was unviewable due to corruption. With a stroke of luck though, I managed to recover it after rendering out in premiere a few times! Something something I guess the preview for playback just wasn't written in. Hooray! Also this page has a lot of backgrounds and establishing shots. Which really I need to do more of in this comic, I have a tendency to get lazy and make backgrounds look weirdly isolated and without relation to other places in story.


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