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This speedpaint finally finished rendering! So, some fun notes about these pages:
- This is the first speedpaint I've done where I feature two pages I worked on in tandem! This sort of stockpiling is actually how I prefer to work on pages, basically working on multiple at once (ranging anywhere from 2-8), usually to complete a full scene/sequence before moving on. I probably would have clumped page 15 with this group as well if I wasn't running out of time to post that page. The reason I don't usually record multiple pages is because I just hop around too much, but this was pretty self contained. I think I only forgot to record maybe 3 times, but I always remembered to start it back up again after half a panel or so.
- These may be some of my most experimental pages yet! I've been wanting to get more dynamic with my page layouts, and I finally got the motivation to give it a shot. The nice thing about pseudo dream sequences like this is that I can push further than I normally would, and fall back on it being a dream sequence if it looks too janky. Though that said, I'm pretty fond of how these turned out and wouldn't mind using these sorts of visuals for non-dream paneling!
- One rare sight with this speedpaint is that you get to see the sketch/scripting phase in its unfiltered glory. And you may have noticed that it... takes up a third of the runtime. Hands down, sketching is always the longest, most complicated phase for me. Rendering is when I can finally rest and leave my brain on autopilot lmao.
- I'm really aching to do an anatomy study on my characters again soon, these pages I felt a lil out of my element when trying certain angles/perspectives and I just couldn't imagine the characters in a 3D space.
- You may notice that I sometimes just, don't do anything for several seconds in the speedpaint (or what would be IRL minutes). These are moments where I'm languishing over how to set up the panel because these pages are CHONKY. These are what I like to call "full load" pages, or pages that feature 9+ panels. Granted many of these panels are small (and they kinda have to be to accommodate for the space), but these pages were very dense. I probably should have split them up smaller, but then I'd have to readjust my thumbnails and relabel all the thumbnails that follow for the rest of the chapter, and I'm just too lazy to do that <:3
- Drowzee's aura was originally gonna be red! I went with pink instead because red hurts my eyes and I don't want to equate red to evil.


On Borrowed Time: Chapter 3, Pages 16 and 17 Speedpaint

Speedpaint featuring two OBT pages I worked on in tandem! I even managed to record the sketching/scripting process on this page, which doesn't happen often. Took an estimated 8.5 hours to complete.


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