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hello everyone,

i hope you are all doing well! today i decided that i want to give you an update on what's going on at the moment ''behind the scenes''. as you may have noticed i have been very quiet recently and wasn't posting any work in project pictures or informed you on what kind of cc set is coming up next.

TRIGGER WARNING: in the following text i will talk about my mental health issues, which include the topics depression and anxiety.

please stop reading here if these topics can affect you in a negative way.

long story short: i started therapy this week (and will be at a psychatric day-care hospital for at least 4 weeks). so i have less time and energy to work at the moment and need to focus on my health first.

the past few days i was thinking a lot about how i would handle this situation and decided that i want to share this information with you because first of all i think that you as my supporters deserve to know and i also hope that this might be a sign for someone reading this to seek out for help as well.

so i started therapy on monday this week and will spend at least 4 weeks at a psychatric day-care hospital. for a long time i have been struggeling with anxiety and depression now which only got worse during the years of the pandemic. it comes and goes in phases and i am very lucky that i have my income from making custom content so i can work from home and scedule my productive days when i am feeling well. 

the weeks before my therapy started i got very nervous again and was in a bad state not able to concentrate and work on my desk and on my current project which got so far that i was afraid of going online and check social media regularly and be active. 

now that i spent a few days at the psychatric hospital i realised how much i have to learn to function well and to solve basic everyday tasks. this also includes developing a schedule for my work and managing tasks around this. 

because i want to get back on track with my cc work but also want to concentrate on the therapy sessions as well, i will focus on the hospital time more and try to reflect on what i learned there before i try to get into my workflow in the afternoons. 

i am incredibly thankful for my supporters and that i am able to take some time off at the moment without worrying about my financal situation too much!

in the upcoming weeks i can't promise you super regular updates on my current mental health state because as you possibly know social media can be quite stressful, too, but i will try my best to inform you on what's going on.

if you are in a similar situation at the moment, as i might have been before i got the nessecary strength to talk to family, friends and my doctor, i really hope that you are able to reach out for help as well. if you need someone to talk or if you have more questions about how i managed to talk to people around me about my issues, please let me know. my dm's are open for you! i just can't promise you that i will answer immediately. 

thank you all so much for reading this!

please take care of yourself

lots of love,



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