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I’ve figured out a way for it to work thanks to one of my patrons!! But it requires me to changing everything one by one so I’ll drop some new skins then I will try to do as much as I can 😩 you will be notified when each post is updated. AND to my customs please email me again so I know everyone I need to do. Please be patient with me for these few days because I will be doing a lot 😩



Take your time love! Thanks for the dedication.


Thank you for all you do <333 take as much time as you need

Brittany Scott

This may be a stupid question, but Will we have to remove the old download first? Or download the new ones additionally to the others?


Will do thank you !!

Kyra The Simmer

OMG this has to be so stressful for you. I would cry.

Shannon Scott

Mine are still have tons of little specks on them making it unable to use.