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5 key quant trading risk metrics (explained by a quant developer)

In this video I go over five key quant trading risk metrics that any quant trader, quant developer, or quant researcher must understand. I provide a simple and intuitive explanation for each risk consideration without going deep and introducing mathematical formulas. Would you like to tithe to The Church of Coding Jesus 💸? https://www.patreon.com/codingjesus?fan_landing=true 1-on-1 private resume reviews and career consulting/mentoring 🗓️: calendly.com/coding-jesus Want to join dozens of disciples and become part of The Church of Coding Jesus 🙏? https://discord.gg/ZSrHrAw Email: thecodingjesus@codingjesus.com 87wZCoEfvb6AXfJtwwv2EGVc3f6UafSZM39CZ2xRLU1dKvLYK3x6JGbP4bj8iatHdwU3BnSvPfyKPVjwDKBepufSRDT1Kub


Ananth Rao

what a time video from CJ himself!