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The title says it like it is.


Why insider trading should be legal

In today's video I make the case for insider trading. I personally believe insider trading should be legal. I'm making this video so that you question and critique your preconceived notions of finance and trading and rethink your beliefs about insider trading. Would you like to tithe to The Church of Coding Jesus 💸? https://www.patreon.com/codingjesus?fan_landing=true 1-on-1 private resume reviews and career consulting/mentoring 🗓️: calendly.com/coding-jesus Want to join dozens of disciples and become part of The Church of Coding Jesus 🙏? https://discord.gg/ZSrHrAw Email: thecodingjesus@codingjesus.com 87wZCoEfvb6AXfJtwwv2EGVc3f6UafSZM39CZ2xRLU1dKvLYK3x6JGbP4bj8iatHdwU3BnSvPfyKPVjwDKBepufSRDT1Kub


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