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As you probably know, I love the Paralympic (women's) games.

And I had an idea to form an amputee football team according to your requests.

We need 6 characters with a lower limb amputation and a goalkeeper with an upper limb amputee. (I think, if desired, we can make some indulgence in the rules and add an AKBK character using one prosthesis to the team, for example).

Suggest any characters that I used, or characters from other authors.

There is a strong "para-lobby" among my fans, so I also suggest creating a sitting volleyball team (respectively 6 amputee or para members).

In the future (if everyone likes the idea and develops), it will be possible to create another team and draw matches between them =)

Therefore, leave your suggestions under this post (and indicate which team you want to see the character in - football or volleyball).

When the first of the teams is full, I'll start sketching.
