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We all love girls with disabilities and probably you also like to invent stories about them.

So my friends and I came up with a system for generating characters. Perhaps you will be interested.

Fate Points: These points represent the whims of fate and, mechanically, they allow a total reroll on one of the tables. The outcome of the reroll must be accepted even if it is worse and a reroll cannot be rerolled. At the start of each generation a character starts with 1 Fate Point and can either acquire or loose points during the generation process.  
Luck Points: Luck points are used to alter the outcome of a dice roll by adding or subtracting from that roll. For example, score a 12 and you can take 1 away to get an 11, add for 13, etc. Each character starts with 2 luck points.
These can be lost or gained throughout the initial character generation process, luck points are only usable after the Origin section. As many luck points as you have available can be used  Poverty + Wealth: Status effects that apply to your character as the words apply. Consider how this affects, not only your characters access to disability aids (poverty might mean a board to roll around on, or a wooden stick as a blind cane, but these can vary depending on your Setting as well), but also how it affects their outlook. Are they a snobby wealthy brat, do they steal because of their poverty and disability, are they prone to charity or relying desperately on said charity etc?   

Stage 1 - Setting (Optional) Roll 2d10
2-3 = Ancient
4-5 = Medieval
6-7 = 1800s
8-9 = 20th Century
10-16 = Modern Day
17-18 = Sci-fi
19-20= D&D
Stage 2 - Origin Roll 2d10
2 = You were born into a warzone. (-2 luck, Poverty -2 fate)
3-4 =  You are an orphan, you don't know your parents, you were raised in an orphanage. (get: poverty, luck +1)
5-6 = You're just an unlucky girl (-1 luck)
7-8 = You grew up in a dysfunctional family. Maybe there was no father, a drunkard mother, etc. (you get: poverty)
9-10 = You were born in a city with a very bad ecology (+1 to rolls: missing limbs, deformed limbs, cerebral palsy, polio)
11-12 = You were born in a remote village (on further injury rolls, add +1 to the result due to delayed assistance)
13 =You were born into a completely normal family (no effect)
14-15 = You have parents from 2 countries (you know an additional language from birth)
16-17 = Your parents are damn rich (gain: wealth)
18-19 =You have an ordinary family, but you are just a damn lucky girl. (+1 luck)
20 = You have been born into high society (royalty, uber wealthy etc) (+2 luck, Wealthy, +2 Fate)
Stage 3 - congenital injury. Roll 2d10
2. Roll the dice twice, both results are valid. (result 2 counts as "no effect")
3. You were born with an incomplete set of limbs (roll 2d6)      -> (2-7 - without one limb (even throw - leg, odd arm) 8-9 - without both legs 10-11 - without both hands 12 - without arms and legs)
4. You were born blind
5. You were born deaf
6-7. Cerebral Palsy           -> (roll 1d3: 1 - mild (disordered walking) 2 - inability to walk, impaired movement of the arms 3 - impaired movement of all limbs, difficulty speaking)
8-14. You are a perfectly healthy girl.
15-16. You were born with Spina Bifida or Scoliosis              ->(15 - Spina Bifida, 16 - Scoliosis)
17-18. You have a visual impairment, so you will have to wear glasses              ->(17 - myopia, 18 - long-sightedness)
19. Congenital fragility of bones.
20. Choose any result.
Stage 4 - The fate of the family after your birth. Roll 2d4
2. Your family went bankrupt (gain: poverty, if poverty already exists -1 to luck)
3. You moved to the village. (On further rolls for injuries, add +1 to the result due to delayed assistance. If there was a similar effect previously, then there is no effect.)
4. Family tragedy (Flavour, use it to affect your character's outlook or mental state)
5. Moved countries (Flavour, have you gained a new language? Or is it too much of a culture shock to your family and it falls apart at the seems?)
6. Nothing interesting happened.
7. Your family got rich (gain: wealth, if any, +1 luck)
8. You get lucky again in life (gain: +1 luck)

If the result suits you, then you can complete the generation, if not, welcome to the next stage!

Stage 5 - Injuries received after birth. (Optional, if a disability has already been rolled) Roll 2d10
2. Roll the dice twice, both results are valid. (result 2 counts as "no effect")
3. Due to an accident with pyrotechnics, you lost an eye.
4-5. You have polio (roll 1d6 to determine affected limbs: 1-3 for one leg 4-5 for both legs 6 for any limb)
6-11. You had an accident and suffered a severe injury to the lower extremities.            ->(6, 8, 10 - amputation, 7, 9, 11 - paraplegia). Roll 2d3. (For amputation: 2-SBK, 3-4-SAK, 5-DBK, 6-DAK. For paraplegia: 2 - 4 low to high para, 5 - low quad, 6 - high quad)
12-15. Nothing happened to you, you are a healthy girl!
16-17. You have received serious hand injuries. Throw 2d3              ->(2 - loss of fingers (d6 + 3) 3-SBE, 4-SAE, 5-DBE, 6-DAE)
18. During a fire, you received severe burns on your body. Throw 2d3       ->(2 multiple burns, 3-4 multiple burns + loss of fingers (1d6 count) 5 burns and loss of one eye 6 burns and blindness)
19. You lost your sight as a result of an illness.
20. Choose any result.

Stage 6 - Charactersics (Optional) Roll 2d10
A side
2. Sadistic
3. Vain
4. Arrogant
5. Rebellious
6. Reserved
7. Cheeky
8. Aloof
9. Old Fashioned
10. Shy
11. Humble
12. Honest
13. Laid-back
14. Confident
15. Bubbly  
16. Generous
17. Intelligent
18. Kind
19. Charming
20. Loyal
B Side Roll 2d8   
2. Untrustworthy
3. Menacing
4. Bookish
5. Arty
6. Creative
7. Dramatic
8. Outdoorsy
9. Adventurous
10. Sporty
11. Geeky
12. Glamorous
13. Popular
14. Famous
15. Sexy
16. Cute

So, your girl is ready!

It will be very interesting if you publish your results.



Amy is a young, ordinary woman from the suburbs. Her father has an office job and her mother works as a nutritionist. But as life goes, people change and grow apart. Sometimes it degenerates into quarrelling. Amy is still in primary school when her parents get divorced. She no longer understands her world when mum and dad fight over her. Amy believes that she is the problem. From this point on, she develops a rather generous behaviour to get along with everyone. In the end, she copes quite well with the separation of her parents and becomes quite glamorous as she grows older. Loved by everyone, she becomes the most famous person at every school she attends. Then she suffers an accident on her way home from high school. A friend gave her a lift on his motorbike (just about everyone is her friend). The accident was partly their fault. Both were seriously injured but survived. Amy, however, lost her left leg below the knee. The sympathy for the two injured young people was enormous, and Amy accepted it with a smile. Life happens as it happens. Amy is not angry with her boyfriend. Everyone drives too fast once in a while, she would have done it herself. Now she shares her story and her rehabilitation on social media. Spend points: 1 luck XD