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Hiiya my Lovely Souls! (´。• ᵕ •。`)

I hope you're all doing well :3 I wanted to shoot you a quick message to apologize for the lack of content in the past few months. Life can be a real rollercoaster; these last two months have been somewhat difficult for me, despite this, I never stopped working little by little on the animations c:

Now I'm getting get back with more energy :) expect some exciting posts really soon:
- Vanessa pt 2 is releasing next week, it lasts about ~1:30 min
- Mercy & Widow Secretaries is 50% finished, I still need to animate a second sexual position, I estimate that it will be published in the second half of November.
- New Scene with High Priestess Tifa is ready to animate c:

Your support has always meant the world to me, and I promise to make it up to you. That is why it decided to pause payments for September, October and November so you can have the content of these months without having to renew your subscription :3

Thanks a million for your understanding and patience I really appreciate you sticking around 💜💜

- Ale






That is Amazing. So Hot.