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Chapter nine is done! Four more to go...

This image should be a little easier to guess than the last one... I think. I believe in you. Fair warning, the next two chapters are the longest by far (chapter 10 is like 20% of the video) so they will take a bit longer to complete.






jfk assassination?


Oklahoma City? It looks like there was a road right next to it. https://www.nhregister.com/connecticut/article/Oklahoma-City-buildings-evacuated-for-fear-truck-11427248.php

Storm L

Yeah it could be the 9/11 conspiracy


The last chapter is 9/11


You guys are all completely wrong. This is obviously the sinking of the Titanic.


WTC7 was much taller and shaped like a trapezoid. This is a 14-story building, and I reckon it’s the same as the shape in the previous image (notice how this stairwell happens to fit the jutting-out corners of the previous shape). It’s not the School Book Depository either as it’s stairwells didn’t jut out internally like this.


I see a van so maybe oklahoma city bombing


Im doubting if this video is still ONLY about the JFK assassination, but maybe conspiracies in general? Cause the van in the picture is a GMC Vandura which was only available since 1964, a year after the assassination and I highly doubt Lemmino would not pay attention to that level of detail.


A month of hints and three photos, and I still have no clue on what the video could be about. It can't be JFK, because the house in this picture is placed in a hole and the TSBD doesn't have a straight road like this next to it. It can't really be Oklahoma because that house, again isn't placed in a pit and the Oklahoma building had 8 floors while this one has 14. None of the hints have anything to do with the Waco Siege, so that can't be it either. WTC 7 is too tall to match this building. Alcatraz, again, doesn't really have anything to do with this hint. My best guess is still JFK, because the freight elevator door in the TSBD sorta matches the one on the first image. But then again, there is 0 photos of the TSBD freight elevator's interior that I've actually found. This mystery is literally harder to solve than Cicada.

Mason J. Kraft

Hello, I’m from… well it would be your comments future, but our present, and I’m watching his JFK video lol