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Hey, the channel recently surpassed 4 million so I thought I'd make another Q&A video. Ask away if you have any questions and I'll try to answer as many as I can.


Delft Trains

How are you doing Lemmino?


Boxers or briefs?


What's your biggest inspiration for making the videos you do?


Do you watch any other youtube channels?


What was the most amount of time that you spent on a project?

Parallax Abstraction

How have you been handling the challenges of the last year? What do you do to keep yourself engaged and motivated when working on such lengthy projects? Thanks for your awesome work!


What is your number one goal for the next 10 years?


Can we get another download link for Limitation? It’s my favorite one of your tracks, but the current links don’t work 😅 Also, keep up the amazing work!


are you happy?


Your recent video was the most highly polished and professional yet. How do you deal with scope creep, and what is your criteria for declaring a video “finished” and ready to upload?


Have you considered collaborating with other YouTubers and/or hiring editors, in order to expodite your video-making process and put out more content?


I'm getting into producing video essays myself and am very interested in 3D Modeling. Any cheaper alternatives to after effects that you can think of?


Besides your channel, are you working or engaged in any other projects? If so what are you doing? Always loved your channel, all the best!


if you were to recommend your all time favorite or most mind opening movie you’ve ever watched what would it be?


what is your favorite word?


Wilt thou answer for thy crimes?


Are there any less-known games you would recommend?


What kind of video do you imagine you'll cover this year?


Did you ever think your channel would change from a "Top 10 Memes" Community to what it is now?


Do you have any desire to work on a big project sometime in the future?


I don't know when but you mentioned in the past that you studied computer science, so are you still doing Computer Science stuffs related?


You ever gotten recognized AFK?


Are there any documentaries you wish to redo or add any details into it?


Did you and Bill Wurtz secretly plan to drop a video together on the same day?! If not, it was truly a blessed day for all of us.


How many hours does a video usually take? Is the universal s the lonest worked on project?


Do you like cheese and milk


Hi lemmino. Have you ever gotten any TV or streaming offers? If so I assume you turned them down. I love your videos as they are and think another format might take away the magic!


What sources did you use when learning to grow on YouTube? (If you had any)


Which of your videos are you most proud of?


What does your video-making process usually look like? Also, and in case that's already been asked: What's your favourite part of your video-making process?


Have you thought about expanding your channel so you can upload videos more frequent?


Can you talk about your research process? Like how do you find related material on a topic and how do you compile these material of choice into your work? I always find your video fascinating and I would like to know the behind-the-scene process, especially the data gathering and compilation part.


I really like the mysteries that you cover like Malaysian Flight 370 or the Dyatlov Pass case, are you planning on making more content like that in the future?


How long the D?


What have you been up to lately in life?


Do you have any plans for the future?


Have you ever thought of hiring an editor or researcher to help streamline the process and alleviate the stress off of you?


How's your planet series coming along?


What's your prediction for when humans will be on Mars?


What's a topic you'd love to cover but you feel like you aren't familiar enough with it enough?


You mentioned in one of your posts that you aren't making the year in review videos anymore because they weren't fun to make, I wanted to know if that was because of the amount of work behind those videos (scripting, editing, etc.) Or the general topics that you would have to discuss (Politics, tragedies, Cyberpunk)


Can you add your videos and music to Rumble? Would you be willing to make another video about yourself and how your life has changed over the previous few years?? Do you have any advice for future creators of content??? Can you create a video about how planets in our solar system came to their particular orbits???? What is your favorite subject to create video(s) about?????


What YouTube channels do you watch the most?

Ben Close

Would you rather have legs for spaghetti, or spaghetti for legs?


1. What programs do you use for your animations? 2. How long does research and script for your videos take you?


Are you happy with the direction you chose in life? Or are you wondering what could have been if you had chosen a more traditional line of work for your area? Is your family happy for you?


What country are you from / your age? What is your work background, and how did you end up making YouTube videos?


Did you always plan for you youtube videos to have a certain esthetic or did it come naturally?


Are you thinking about increasing the production rate? Hire help etc? Your style and content is surely good enough for a small crew, and who doesnt want more Lemmino!


I know you use PR & AE to make your videos, but how do you exactly do you use After Effects to make such high quality, documentary-worthy illustrations & movements of said illustrations? Is it really as simple as learning the ins & outs of the program, or is there something special to the way you make your videos? Also, have you been offered any professional editing positions at companies like National Geographic or Animal Planet? Have you been offered any editing jobs because of your videos?


(1) How long, on average, do you spend researching a topic for your videos? (2) For which of your video topics did you spend the most time researching? (3) Which comes first, the research or the decision to do a video on the topic?


Any games that you have been pouring lots of time into recently?


Go to brazil 😳


I love you lemmino just do more stuff.


What's your favourite fact about your home country, Sweden?


Do you like Duckies, and if yes, how much do you like them?


What work experience do you have, and is YouTube your full time job?


What got you interested, or at least caught your attention, in the various apocalyptic scenarios you’ve discussed in several videos recently?


What fascinates you so much about the apocalypse to have done several videos now on the topic?


When do you expect your solar system series to go live? Love your work!


You’ve spent huge amounts of time studying history. As someone who’s hoping to ultimately do something like what you do (a mixture of history and entertainment) I’d love to know how you go about putting the time in to researching and how you keep it interesting and enjoyable for yourself. As a bonus, favorite historical figure?


What topic you'd love to cover but can't because it's "too much research" or whatever other reason.


Would you say yes if Netflix or some other streaming service offered to work with you on a series? (like they did with Vox's "Explained")


When did you decide to shift more into these documentary style videos like Cicada and Consumed by the Apocalypse? Your list videos were great but these mini-docs are on another level, I am so insanely happy you've been making more of them.


If you had the opportunity to spend one week in the future OR in the past, which one would you pick and what year and why?


What is your proudest accomplishment?


Are you working on some new Top10 facts video or is that series abandoned so you could focus more on these documentary videos? Don't get me wrong, I love documentary type videos, but I also loved the Top10 series and I kinda miss it.


Are there any moral boundaries you've set for yourself completely as a personal preference? (not set by law or convention)


What do you think about the CIA apparently releasing "all" their UFO data? I saw it on the news but no one seems to be talking about it


Do you code any of your own simulations to aid in your animations?


topics that interest you and/or what topics do u plan to make more vids on?


What is your favourite part about creating your videos? And what's the least?


Would you ever consider doing some kind of a podcast? I think it would be awesome to listen to the quality of your videos while gaining the information, but you wouldn't have to worry about all of the VFX, meaning they wouldn't take as long. I love the content you have been producing. It is very genuinely probably some of the highest quality content on this platform.


How do you make your money?


Why has no big company picked you up yet?


Will you be doing any more historical videos (like the Roanoke video)?


Would you ever cover disturbing government projects like MKultra?


What are your opinions on the psychedelic use origins of religion (i.e. The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross)


What's a video idea you started and realized it wasn't really going anywhere so you stopped? Like the story wasn't as interesting as you originally thought.


Are there any topics you wanted to cover but did not because you felt they were to controversial or divisive?


Do you consider yourself more of an educator or entertainer? Do you find yourself getting stuck on how best to communicate information or ideas? How do you overcome those blocks?


Any other plans for this channel? :)


Would you ever consider doing calibration with other channels?


any plans in creating a series of documentaries? i think you are now starting with the "apocalypse trilogy".(crossfingers) Congrats on the 4 million subs!!


what are your hobbies?


If molecular interactions are deterministic, can there really be multiple universes?


Are there certain sites/sources that are your primary when you do research?


Do you have a team for research, editing, etc? If so, how big is it and what are their roles?


Are there any topics you wanted to cover but felt it would be too controversial to cover them?


Minecraft or Roblox?


Are there some plans making video on some lighter topics like video games or tv series?


How do you come to your choice of what topic you should cover?


What do you do outside of YouTube? Do you get to use your VFX and design knowledge in your day-to-day?


what's your plans for the future of this channel :)


You mentioned in a previous Q&A that you like to go to cafes to work without distraction; how have you been coping with coronavirus?


Do you plan on making videos about murder cases?


Will you ever do another 10 facts videos?

Øyvind Wallentinsen

I kinda don't hope so. I don't particularly like the True Crime genre, and I hope he sticks to mysteries.