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I'm afraid I'm gonna have to skip the recap of the year this year. I've had far less time than I'd hoped to work on it and, as I mentioned in the previous update, I was a bit unsure on how to approach it in the first place. The video ended up being far longer than I anticipated and then the holidays and life kept getting in the way. I had every intention of completing it but I just realized this past week it was going to be impossible. Sorry about that. I know many of you were expecting it.

I'm going to resume work on that Solar System documentary once the holidays are over. Haven't had much time to work on it as of late. As always, I also have a bunch of miscellaneous projects in the works so I'm not sure what the first video of 2019 is going to be just yet. I'll try and keep you updated every now and again. Nevertheless, I hope you had a great 2018 and I'll see you next year.



No worries LEMMiNO just keep doin you.


No problem, you do you, we'll all still be here to watch whatever it is you make.


Hey man. I love your work and your own passion for your work. But I would hate to see the video go to waste. I’m not sure if I speak for everyone. But I’m sure that we would love to see the 2018 video. Even if it was pushed back at a later date. Even if it where to be the first video of 2019. Merry Christmas and happy new year man x


All good man. Very excited for the solar system video! As someone else said I personally wouldn’t mind if the year recap was late, but if it’s your final decision to scrap it that’s fine! Happy New Years!


Just say things happened,happy new year, and call it a day.


We love you videos because of the quality, not the quantity. Even though I would like to see a 2018 recap video, it should only be released if it's on par with your other videos. But as others mention, an option could also be to release a finalized recap video at a later date. Happy new year!


Hey, thanks for the update. Looking forward to the video about the solar system. Have you considered doing a video about the MH370 flight? Would fit perferctly into the mystery department of your videos. RealLifeLore put one out a couple of days ago, but it's not really good. I wish you all the best for the next year! Best regards


I'm actually not on everyone's side here. I'd like a 2018 recap, even if it's at a later date. But it shouldn't have to be on paar with the rest of your content quality-wise. Your videos are amazing and we all know you put an inconceivable amount of research into them, so I would really not mind a video not being as bombastic as normally. I saw a YouTuber some time ago that followed this path, trying to make every new video better and longer. He got so stressed about it he stopped uploading for a couple of years. Don't push yourself, I'm sure your videos are fine the way they are, but in the end it's up to you if you upload them or not. Stay frosty up there, happy holidays.


Happy holidays. There is no rush, as long as you enjoy what you are doing, take your time.


Aye man do your thing but i do hope you finish it at a later date best of luck and happy new year


As long, as we get great content man it is completely up to you, do topics that will feed us knowledge; anyway happy holidays to you!


I know this ain't about this post but I cant connect to the discord :( can someone help?


Yea....even i cant connect to the discord ..help plis