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Hey folks,

This one's pretty last-minute but that's never stopped me from doing anything in my life so here we go: TODAY at 3:30 pm Pacific, I'll be broadcasting Dave on Dave LIVE with David Cho at the above link, or you can click here:


Also, I'm guessing at some point we will be letting people dial-in. If you're interested in joining the call, please wait until you are prompted and then click on this link:


If there's more than one person dialing in, just hang out in the room. It may take awhile for us to get to you.

Alright that's it, hope to see some of you there! As usual, the episode will be made available as a podcast later in case you can't join us live. 



Dave on Dave Livestream (Monday, September 25th)

Come join a Patreon exclusive hangout featuring David Chen and David Cho!


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