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Thanks to everyone who tuned into our Oscars live reactions! Joy and I had such a fun time watching the show together and chatting with everyone who joined.

After the broadcast, we hung around for a little bit to discuss what we'd just watched. I'm posting after-show here for your enjoyment. Thanks for your support, as always!


Moonbeam Belle

Inspired to do an immediate rewatch of “Everything…” and I am so in love with the idea that for a being to have so many branches to their life choices, it MUST be an immigrant; because no one takes as many true life risks and choices as an immigrant does. This movie makes me love my mother even more each time I watch it. She moved to NYC from the Philippines when she was 26. I once asked her why she chose to leave and she said “I was bored.” I will never have the same bravery as my mother; but what an effing inspiration she is. I love her. She will be 80 this August and I am more in awe of her than ever. This movie is healing.

Phillip Jackson

such a beautiful thing to watch you all experience this together. thank you for sharing it with all of us 💕