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In this bonus audio, @joyonapping and I discuss Better Call Saul Season 6 episode 11, "Breaking Bad," which offers folks a long-anticipated reunion. 

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John Halski

I don’t know if I have lower expectations for the show or if I’m just on a different wavelength than you guys, but I was surprised by how lukewarm you both were. Some things that really rubbed you the wrong way, like the “Lalo” call-out, barely registered for me. It just felt good to see more connective tissue. And as someone who has lived abroad for a stretch, I really connected with Jimmy’s urge to hear something—anything!—about how the old crew is doing. It was equal parts humanizing and pathetic, how desperate he was for any scrap of banal info about people he really didn’t really have any emotional connection with when he was around. Maybe most of all, I think I don’t mind these episodes as simply “epilogue”, if that’s all they are. BB and BCS both have a novel-like quality to them that I’d argue permits them some leeway from the traditional TV/film formula that basically requires the “final episode/act” to be a cathartic crescendo of all that came before. It wouldn’t shock me if Gene had a long-game in store (he’s clearly begging to get caught in the final scene of this episode, IMO). But it also wouldn’t shock or bother me if this is a repeat of BB, insofar as that show had its emotional crescendo with “Ozymandias”, and BCS may have had its crescendo with “Fun and Games.” We’ll see soon I guess… (and just to say it, great show as always, you two!)

Joy o Napping

I was pondering last night whether it’s best to think of these 4 episodes as a coda!


Your comments towards the end re: lawyers who advertise on benches brought to mind Jacob Emrani, a personal injury lawyer whose persona is so Saul Goodman-esque that these ads are plastered all over the LA area: https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOhdgxuP6_/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=