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I had fun chatting with Brendan Hodges about Robert Eggers' new film The Northman. We discuss it's weird pacing, fascinating themes, and amazing performances. 

This conversation will be available on YouTube but I'm making it available as a podcast on my Patreon page. Thanks for your support!

Be sure to follow Brendan on Twitter if you enjoy the chat. 

PATRONS: You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.



Joy o Napping

I did not enjoy this movie in the theater but Brendan has me rethinking everything! Thanks for the thought provoking discussion

Michael Zhang

One interesting parallel I thought of was The Last of Us Part 2. Both stories of someone driven by revenge who ends up killing a woman and child (unborn in TLOU) and then ends up abandoning the love of their life to pursue revenge. I found it had very similar narrative and thematic beats. This movie worked a lot better for me than the game, partially bc the story felt like it was not beating you over the head with the themes. It's able to show Fjolnir as a somewhat sympathetic character without forcing the viewer to spending half the movie from his point of view.

Nizar B

Fair comparison. The more I reflect on the game, the more it worked for me where it initially didn't. Whereas with the film, the more I reflect, the more it seems hollow but still visually arresting with images still dancing in my mind days later. Also you may want to consider putting a spoiler tag at the head of your comment or editing it out.