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Dave on Dave is an ongoing series in which David Cho and David Chen gather together to discuss life and work. Also, usually David Cho has some harsh words to say about David Chen's stuff!

In this episode, the Daves discuss when the right point is for David Chen to go full-time in online content creation, and what it means to make something meaningful.

PATRONS: You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.





Loved this episode and 100% agree with David Cho on this one. You are such a creative person and have built a great body of work that you should take the leap. Give yourself the opportunity to completely focus on the work you create. I have heard a number stories from other creatives that use to have a career but longed to focus their time on what they love to do and when they made the jump did not regret their choice.

Ron Dawson

Hey Dave. I was really moved by this conversation and felt compelled to make this video message to you. I hope you find encouragement in it. https://vimeo.com/685241181/1ddf77fc4d