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In this episode of Dave on Dave, they discuss the saga of West Elm Caleb and the state of the online discourse around shitty men. 




Stephen Porcello

Dave, just wanted to say I really enjoy these chats. At one point you alluded that a lot of times you aren't necessarily doing well - so I wanted to just say I hope you take the time for yourself and take breaks when you need - all of us internet friends will still be here later on and still supporting you if you ever need time for yourself!

Nathaniel St. Clair

These are always interesting conversations, but damn, Cho sounds more and more like my conservative reactionary uncle with every new podcast. The idea that we can fix the problems of predatory social media companies who have incentivized humans worst instincts by telling people to accept responsibility for the content they engage with is as absurd as blaming climate change on consumers. It’d be cool if Cho gave you a few seconds to respond every once in awhile. I still always look forward to these episodes, and I take full responsibility for that.