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Hey Patrons,

I want to try something new this month: Instead of doing a Zoom hangout, I want to try doing more regular "office hours" via Twitter Spaces. This will just be time for us to hang and discuss anything that's on your mind. 

I've really enjoyed hosting Spaces recently and I think the vibe can be much more chill than a Zoom hangout - it puts less pressure on all involved (including me) when there's no video, plus I can host the whole thing on my smartphone. And if nobody joins, it's all good! - I can just hang there and prep for my next thing.

I'm going to try hosting my first Patrons-only office hours on Monday (1/10) at 5PM Pacific. In order to join, you'll need:

  • A Twitter account
  • A smartphone with a recent version of the Twitter app installed
  • [You can also just join using desktop/laptop, but you'll be unable to speak - only listen]

At 5PM, simply make sure you are following this account: @joinwatchparty It's a burner account that no one knows about that i'll use for this purpose. 

I will start a Space and tweet out from that account. Just click to join and you're in the Space! You can also request to speak at any time. 

If this works well, I'd love to do this more regularly - possibly even on my main Twitter account, in a way where Patrons would get priority speaking access.

Thanks for helping me experiment with this stuff! Let me know if you plan to join or if you have any other feedback about this idea. See you Monday at 5PM Pacific!


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STARTING SOON: DChen 'Twitter Office Hours' for Patrons - Monday, 5PM Pacific



I like this idea, hope it was fun! I missed the announcement, but will join next time.

Jay Martinez

Will this be uploaded to the podcast feed (like the Weekend Box Office Reports)?

David Chen

This first one was a bit too rough for my standards but you can listen to it here. https://twitter.com/joinwatchparty/status/1480706227042611203