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Some initial thoughts on The Matrix Resurrections, fresh from seeing it at the theater.

Note: I am deeply respectful of the desire to avoid any spoilers for this movie. I do reveal material that is in the trailers for this movie and try to do that judiciously (I even avoid giving away the premise of this movie). THAT SAID: If you are at all afraid of any spoilers, my recommendation is skip this audio until you've seen the film!

PATRONS: You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.



Scott M. Adams

Quick Question Dave - In my local area, the show times for Resurrections are pretty rough for someone with kids. (Either way before bedtime or at 10:30 at night.). Given your disappointment, do you still suggest finding a way to see this in the theater or can I "enjoy" it still on HBO MAX? Thanks!

Douglas Rutnarak

Hi Dave. Sucks that you found it disappointing. I like when audiences cheer during a movie. Do we get ANY of those kinds of scenes in this movie? If not, I'll just see this on HBO Max.