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Dave on Dave is an ongoing series in which David Cho and David Chen gather together to discuss life and work. Also, usually David Cho uses this as an opportunity to critique David Chen's work and approach to it! 

In this episode, David Chen is on the verge of going on vacation and the two Davids contemplate the place of vacation in their lives. Also: why do we take vacation photos? Plus, David gives an update on his TikTok presence. 

Patrons get early access to this episode! It will be released on Culturally Relevant later this week. You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app. 




Mike Gonzalez

Have to disagree with Cho on whether Dave shows a different side of himself on TikTok. I feel like you get a good sense of Dave’s wit from the podcasts, but it wasn’t until he started posting on TikTok that I realized how FUNNY Dave is.


This episode made me become a patron! Mostly so I could comment directly on this post. I've listened to you for six years, and have always felt I related to much of what you had to say, but for some reason, this episode really hit me. I always thought I was weird for not wanting to travel. Everyone around me always seems to have the life goal of traveling the world. But I'm content with staying home. Maybe it's because we watch so many movies - what others experience from traveling we experience through cinema. Or maybe it is just the anxiety of it all holding us back. I have a lot of thoughts, but still don't know exactly how to express them. But for now, I thank you for doing what you do. You're a friend to those of us who have few. A voice of commonality in an increasingly divided culture. Generating empathy. Filling a void. I appreciate you, man.