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Thanks to all those who tuned into last night's watch-along of The Suicide Squad! What an awesome movie. Here's a recording of the chat we had afterwards. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for being Patrons and hope y'all had a good time. 

Patrons: You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.



Timothy Mably

I thought that whole aspect of the files exposing the US Government, Peacemaker's motives trying to prevent it, and a giant alien sea creature causing massive devastation felt very reminiscent of Watchmen's ending... Might be the beginning of a "boom goes the dynamite," Dave.


Great conversation, guys! Sorry to have missed it live--work night for me. Loved this movie, I laughed out loud so much. Loved your takes and all the bits you drew out in conversation. : )