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Hey folks: Trying something different this week by publishing Dave on Dave onto the main Culturally Relevant feed (I try to do this from time to time to let people know what they can expect on the Patreon page).

Thanks for making these episodes possible! I wouldn't be making them without your support and I appreciate you giving me the space to try new and more personal ways of creating things. 

Listen by clicking on the link above or wherever your podcasts can be downloaded. 


Dave on Dave: Setting personal goals, the mystery of Brett Kavanaugh, the meaning of July 4th (with David Cho) | Culturally Relevant with David Chen

Dave on Dave is a Patreon-exclusive series in which David Cho chats with David Chen about his work and life. In this episode of Dave on Dave, the Davids share about what motivates them, how they set goals, accepting the nuance and complications of fellow humans, and the meaning of July 4th.


Jay Martinez

Cho's sighs are fantastic.

Jef Caine

I'm really enjoying Dave Cho as career / life coach. He's motivating while also encouraging you to be proud of your accomplishments.