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Every week, I'm going to hop on my YouTube channel with Dan Gvozden to discuss the latest episode of Loki on Disney+. And as Patrons, you get the audio-only version in podcast form for your convenience! This week we recap season 1 episode 3, "Lamentis." 

You can get this audio in your podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, going to the "My Membership" section, and copying and pasting the RSS link to your podcast app.

Thanks as always for your support! Hope you enjoy the podcast.





I have capital T Thoughts on this episode. I honestly at this point believe the next episode will reveal most of ep 3 was a Super Mario Bros. 2 style "It was all a dream." Early in the episode Sylvie tries to enchant Loki and it does not work... or so Loki thinks. At this point I think nothing we see can be trusted. Then there is a second point where Sylvie falls asleep and suddenly Loki is acting very differently. So, at this point I think Sylvie lost her concentration and Loki has figured out how to enchant in return. Towards the end of the episode a giant building is going to fall on one of them and suddenly it's thrown away, something Loki can't do and doesn't seem like a thing Sylvie would be able to do, so I'm very confident that things are not what they seem. Also, I think Sylvie isn't a Loki, but a younger Frigga, which is why she's so interested in Loki's mother when they're on the train.