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We're trying out a new thing today: My friend and colleague David Cho typically has opinions on my work online and he usually shares them with me via text. I decided to record one of our chats in a series I'm going to tentatively refer to as "Dave on Dave." The objective is to give you as listeners a venue to hear me reflect on my work being critiqued and analyzed.

I have no idea if this is interesting at all, or if it's unflattering/painful/too navel-gazey, but I assume you will let me know! Either way, hope you enjoy it and thanks so much to all of you Patrons for giving me the space to try out stuff like this. I appreciate you. 




Jack Lee

@daveChen, to answer your question from a listener perspective why people drop out of subscription. For me, I have a number of causes that I want to support per month with a limited budget, so I rotate in and out of creators on a regular basis.