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Hey folks,

A quick heads-up on a couple of upcoming Patreon events:

For $10+ Patrons: Patreon hangout (3/25, 6PM PST) - Let's plan to do our next hangout at 6PM Pacific on Thursday (3/25) night. If you're around, would love to chat and see what's on folks' minds! As usual, the recording of this hangout will be made available for all Patrons afterwards.

For ALL Patrons: Godzilla vs. Kong watch-along (3/31, 6PM PST) - The last couple of these we've done have been really enjoyable, so let's try again! Next Wednesday (March 31) at 6PM PAcific, let's all watch Godzilla vs. Kong together on Zoom. We'll watch the movie at the same time and then hang out for a bit afterwards to discuss it. Note: you must have your own subscription to HBO Max (or some other way of watching Godzilla vs. Kong) for this to work. 

If you think you can make it to the watch-along, can you like/comment on this post? Would be good to know how many people we can expect.

Hope these times are at least somewhat convenient for a lot of you! Thanks, as always, for your support.


Mark Marinaro

I’ll be at the hangout

Mark C Warner

I am not to love this movie, but it will be so much fun to view it with this watch along. Everytime it has been a blast and Wednesday is the best bad for me, as it leaves my weekend freer for movies my mate would want to watch with me.