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David follows up with Joanna about last week's topics. Then they discuss the passing of Rush Limbaugh, their various attempts at getting through to their families, and thoughts on Better Call Saul: Season 5 (finally!). 




Benjamin Maher

So great to hear Dave and Joanna back together! We found Dave from Cast of Kings and we love Joanna too! We don’t watch Lost, so consider this a joint appreciation of you both. Joanna, you’re not the only one who has had to setup compassionate boundaries with their families of origin. We don’t go home for the holidays either, for similar reasons. Dave and Joanna, your generosity in sharing your experiences makes us feel like we have two awesome friends, even if we’re all the way down in Melbourne, Australia.

David Nakano

When I signed up for Dave's patreon, I didn't know it came with the revival of GenPop, had I known that I would have signed up earlier! Love the interaction between the two of you and how this is a safe space to openly share thoughts and opinions, especially on touchy subjects. I started listening to the Reply-All podcast per the mention last week and lo and behold, they have a pretty similar situation to Bon Apetit that they are currently covering. Keep up the great work, be safe and be well.