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Hi folks,

I hope everyone is having a safe holiday season! Here are some upcoming events this month.

All Patrons 

Let's watch Tenet together! (Thursday, December 17, 5PM Pacific) - Here's how this will work: I'll set up a Zoom call on Thursday at 5PM Pacific. I will make a separate Patreon post with the Zoom details. We will all begin watching Tenet at the same time on Thursday and will text chat in the Zoom call throughout. Then after the movie is over, we'll all join the Zoom call with audio/video and discuss the movie live! I look forward to watching this film with you all.

[Note: I will have watched Tenet beforehand and you are welcome to as well, but the expectation for all involved is that there will be no spoilers in the chat.]

$10+ Patrons

Back to the Future Retrospective (Throughout) - My Back to the Future retrospective continues throughout the month! Subscribe to the audio RSS feed for your $10 feed to make sure you get the episodes automatically. 

Monthly Patreon hangout (Wednesday, December 23, 5PM Pacific) - The last couple of hangouts have been so fun! I'm going to try switching up the timing for the next one and we will see if folks want to show up. Let's plan to hang for a bit on Christmas Eve Eve! 

Thanks, as always, for your support. It's greatly appreciated. 


Mark C Warner

My wife and I watched Tenet together, and as soon as it was done, she said "I think I need a David Chen breakdown and thoughts video" I was so proud of all my life decisions that led to this moment in time.

Alex Crumb

Looking forward to the watch along. Enjoyed my initial viewing last night.