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The terms "bubble" or "pod" have been thrown around a lot these days, but it's become clear to me pretty recently that most people aren't really using these terms in a way that's meaningful. 

So, @joyofnapping and I put together this video to provide some tips on how we formed our bubble and provided some documents that might be able to help you out as well. 

This is the first time @joyofnapping has done a video solo and I think she did a wonderful job. I hope you enjoy the video and that you are staying safe and healthy this holiday season. 

And as always, thanks to everyone here for making our work possible. 


Is It Time To Form a Real COVID Bubble? - How We Made Our Quarantine Pod

@joyofnapping discusses how we built a COVID bubble (AKA quarantine pod). Our COVID Rules: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q_3CorUz7-yV_8Ed0zgbReL63APBAhRocLgJdzic3Nk/edit?usp=sharing Our COVID Tracker: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JGuPgnVdDSbB3j63nMv1SgT9W2iiI92sHjRpBUEVUlc/edit?usp=sharing Back David on Patreon: http://Patreon.com/davechen Follow David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/davechensky Listen to David's podcast: http://www.culturallyrelevantshow.com Subscribe to David's newsletter: http://davechen.net/letters


Wil Knoble

So good. So important. So needed. Informative without feeling preachy and presented/crafted so people can’t accuse you of “taking a side” which, sadly, is an obstacle for sharing information these days. It obviously comes from the heart based on sincerity and simply basic concern and empathy for all of us. It’s perfect. An invaluable message that made me pause and wipe my eyes because the isolation is getting tougher and seeing her similar reaction reminded me we are in this together. I want to say she is “wonderful,” but not sound like a grandma describing a macaroni necklace gift :) Thank you for taking the time to do this, for being a wonderful human being and setting a good example.


Excellent PSA!! Grateful that you left links with your tools and resources. Super helpful and encouraging.