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Every day for the past 8 years, I've been recording one second of video every day of my life and stitching them together to form a document of my life that year. You can see the past versions of some of my videos here.

This year for my 1 Second Everyday video, I decided to try something different: I narrated the entire video so that I could share reflections on life and on what's happened during this very eventful year for all of us. I hope these thoughts can help you as you're reflecting on how your life has changed too. 

Thanks for watching and thank you for your support, Patrons. You make my work possible. 


What I Learned From Filming 1 Second Everyday (2019-2020)

From May 2019 to May 2020, I filmed one second of video for every day of my life. This is what I learned during that process. David's previous writing about filming 1 Second Everyday: https://davechen.net/category/1secondeveryday/ Rebecca Onion's article about homesickness: https://slate.com/human-interest/2020/05/living-far-from-family-travel-coronavirus.html Back David on Patreon: http://Patreon.com/davechen Follow David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/davechensky Listen to David's podcast: http://www.culturallyrelevantshow.com Subscribe to David's newsletter: http://davechen.net/letters #1secondeveryday #videodiary


Wil Knoble

That was pretty great.

Christopher Yee Mon

I love how much @joyofnapping is in your seconds.