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With the election last week, I wasn't quite sure when to release a podcast episode reviewing a movie called Apocalypse Now, but the period of governmental limbo we're in right now feels just as good of a time as any! 

I really enjoyed chatting with Patrick H. Willems about this film. We discuss the film's legacy, the new 4K transfer, and how we feel about some of the changes that have been made to the Final Cut. 

As always, thanks to all Patrons for making this content possible! 





I was lucky to catch the Final Cut in IMAX. Not my favorite cut of the film but an impeccable restoration. I had a similar phase in my teens like what Patrick had mentioned here. It was around the time Netflix by mail caught on when I realized I had this much access to "classics" that I watched the Apocalypse Now theatrical cut. I was shook at age 17 and I remember watching it at like 7am on a saturday haha.


I've avoided Godfather III my whole life and it seems like this December is when I'll finally give in. Perfect timing really as I just showed Part I & II to my wife during the pandemic.