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This video has been requested a few times by the Patrons, so I thought I'd oblige. Here's early access to a new YouTube video I made: a tour of my Blu-Ray shelf, featuring all the random shit that I've accumulated over the years. 

A lot of this stuff I'm proud of. A good chunk of it I'm ashamed of. Some of it is just weird and random. Either way, I hope you enjoy, and know that it was your support that made this video possible.

(PS: Sorry the video is a bit shaky at times. Still trying to figure out the best way to vlog with this camera!)


A Tour of my Blu-Ray Shelf (October 2020)

David takes folks on a tour of his Blu-Ray collection and the weird bizarre collectibles and knick-knacks found within. Back David on Patreon: http://Patreon.com/davechen Follow David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/davechensky Listen to David's podcast: http://www.culturallyrelevantshow.com Subscribe to David's newsletter: http://davechen.net/letters



This is amazing. : )


This was most entertaining. We recently rearranged our living room to accommodate a second work-from-home desk, and my vast DVD/BD collection went into storage tubs in the basement. I only found two doubles that weren't specific to increasing resolution (DVD-> Blu-ray), and those were: -A Knight's Tale -Moulin Rouge -Titan A.E. They were overlaps from my wife's much smaller collection that she brought into the marriage. I also own a 3D Blu-ray of "Hugo" that I've never watched in its intended format, so I may have to follow Nathan's suggestion and try to make it happen on my Oculus Go.


Also: I can relate to the furious DVD-ripping of @joyofnapping's Poirot collection - I plan to do the same with my snazzy Rambaldi puzzle-box DVD set of the TV series "Alias", since the widely-available streaming version changed a bunch of the licensed music, which bothers me...probably a lot more than it should.