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Hey Patrons! 

Interested in hearing two Mission: Impossible obsessives dive into the latest Mission: Impossible film for 2.5 hours? Then boy have I got a Patron update for you!

I had such a fun time doing a feature-length commentary of Mission: Impossible - Fallout with Patrick H. Willems. Thanks to all the $20+ donors that make this perk possible, but regardless of what tier in, I hope you enjoy this recording we made together.

A few notes:

  • This commentary is best enjoyed along with the film (instructions for syncing are within) but I think it's still mostly worthwhile even if you aren't watching along. 
  • That said, you must've seen Fallout at least once for this to make any sense whatsoever.
  • You can get this audio in your mobile podcast app by going to patreon.com/davechen, clicking on "My membership" and subscribing to your personalized RSS feed
  • Be sure to subscribe to Patrick's YouTube channel
  • Follow Patrick on Twitter 




Dave, one of my favorite episodes of Culturally Relevant is your commentary for In The Tall Grass, and I'm thrilled that you did another commentary episode. These are great!

Dave Glanz

Well looks like it’s time to watch Fallout for the umpteenth time! Looking forward to this.

Dave Glanz

Enjoying Dave calling "Ethan Hunt" "Ethan HAWKE." Eager to see the MI / Before-series crossover.