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I hope everyone is having an okay weekend dealing with the sheer tonnage of news that's occurred the past week (most of it bad). 

Since I hate myself, I spent some time this week watching Antonio Campos' new film, The Devil All The Time. This film's cast is incredible, but do not watch this movie if you are looking for something to pick you up and make you feel better!

That said, it's one of the top 10 movies on Netflix so most of you probably watched it. What did you think? Did you find it illuminating about the nature of evil and humanity? Or a bit too over the top, as I thought it was? Let me know what you think in. the comments. And as always, thank you for your support! 

ASSUME SPOILERS ARE IN THE PATREON COMMENTS BELOW (so don't click to the post unless you want to be spoiled)


'The Devil All The Time' Is Not Great All the Time - Movie Review

David reviews Antonio Campos' 'The Devil All the Time,' now available on Netflix. Back David on Patreon: http://Patreon.com/davechen Follow David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/davechensky Listen to David's podcast: http://www.culturallyrelevantshow.com Subscribe to David's newsletter: http://davechen.net/letters Peter Wehner's article about what Evangelicals have lost https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/07/white-evangelicals-gambled-and-lost/613999/ #netflix #thedevilallthetime #tomholland #robertpattinson


Amazing Spider-Talk

Dave, is there any way you could release some of these videos as both videos and audio posts, so that they are available as podcasts? I think your videos are excellent, but I enjoy most of your content while multitasking and it'd be great to get these thoughts in my podcast feed as a Patreon subscriber. Awesome work!

Dan Flanegan

Dave mentioned Crash. Uh oh....

David Chen

Hey Dan! Let me think about this but I'm inclined to not do this because: 1) Patreon makes you choose to make something an "audio" post or a "video" post. I could make this an "audio" post and just link to the video, but that would hurt engagement on the video, which is actually pretty good so far. 2) I kind of have a principle against sharing content that's too short on audio format. I feel like if someone is going to bother to seek out my audio feed/podcast, they should get something that is at least 20-30 minutes. This has informed all of my audio work since i've started doing this. That said: All feedback is helpful and I appreciate it! Will keep it in mind.