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Holding up the hand mirror Elysia looked at her reflection while tilting her head. The look of the handmade flower crown that sat threaded through her brunette waves made her smile as she continued to study the way ribbons flew down past her hair and down past the stool she sat on. She had never felt pretty but Nible had a way with fabrics, the dress she wore was comfortable yet fitting for a woman her age and it went with the dress that was prepared for the evening...the dress she never thought of herself able to wear. "Where did you learn to make dresses?" The girl asked turning in her stool to face the older woman who swept the floor where mud had been tract from the night's activities.

"My mother, we did not have clothes that could be bought, my lady." Putting the broom to the side the handmaiden sat down on the edge of the bed with a groan. She rubbed her calves and closed her eyes hoping the soreness would die down and this left the young girl to feel bad.

She wanted to explain to her how she had that same life but there was no way to bring it up without bringing suspicion to herself. It would have helped her to know how to weave clothes instead of the feed bags her father made her wear as a child but those facts would only have to stay in her mind as she looked down at her hands that had turned soft. "Have you always been a handmaiden?" Getting up slowly, Elysia made sure to be silent as she swept up the remainder of the dirt into the cleaning pan.

Nible seemed to hold back her own information as she simply shook her head. "I immigrated here with my niece after we lost some family members in the war." Her eye peeked open as she watched the girl ring a towel and clean up a spot on top of the chimney she knew she missed. Nible only smiled to herself and closed her eyes again. "My sister was lucky enough to marry well and I became her child's nanny. I raised her as my own as I never married."

"That's wonderful, do I know her?"

Nible let her left eye peek once more as she leaned her hands back on the bed. "You might. Let me ask you a question.." she paused for a few seconds as Elysia tied her hair back with a ribbon. "Have you always been a handmaiden?"

"No, when my den mother found me she offered me a job to get me off of the streets..." The girls once working hands stopped knowing she messed up. She didn't say anything else as she put the bucket down bit the bottom of her lip and thought to herself. Not only had she messed up everything in an instant but she admitted her fibs to the woman who was closest to the Queen.

With the realization hitting her She quickly ran over to the grey woman and fell on her knees in front of her before she could get up herself. "Please don't tell her Nible! You mustn't, she would turn me away if she knew who I really was." her head laid on the woman's lap as she let the wet cloth cover the aching woman's calf. "Please..."

The woman sighed and laid her hand on the girl's beautiful hair which was becoming messy from her cries. She hadn't thought to be so spot on but she knew something to be off with the girl, it only made it easy when she admitted everything like a thief caught red-handed. "What is your real name girl?"

Hearing how softly she spoke she raised her head and looked up with a confused face. "Elysia, I worked for the Maddox's and they sent me in place of the real Antonella to marry the prince. You won't tell her will you?"

Nible said nothing as she looked into the girl's eyes, she saw everything laid out like a newborn baby who didn't even know the definition of a sin. Such a pure soul that was on display for all to know just how pure, like a clear bucket of rainwater. "She is the Queen." Nible suddenly felt guilt set into her chest, she couldn't imagine how much weight had been on hers. To keep a secret like that from someone like Alura was daunting, to say the least. "Secrets are not permitted here, girl."

"You have to understand." Elysia grabbed the old hands. "I served the Maddox's, my duty was to their family Nible. I thought my role to be easy, play a quiet girl and give the prince children. I never thought that-" Her eyes pleaded louder than her words.

"Thought that what? You came here with the intent to lie!" Nible left the bed making the cold rag drop and started pacing around the end of the bed, her leg still ached but she pushed that thought away as her mind turned like the wheels of a wagon. "You have been lying to everyone Elysia, even worse your lies are covering up the deception of a royal family. The Maddox's could cause trouble and with our knowledge, we could stop them! If we do not we are just as liable for saying nothing."

"They never meant to do anything but keep their girls safe Nible, please...I once served the Maddox's but my allegiance is to the Queen now. I can not bear to leave."

"Is the privilege just enough to keep you around?" Nible joked, her hands picking up the mirror Elysia once looked at her own reflection in before a small voice cut through the silence.

"No, the love is." Nible turned to the girl still on the ground who held her palms together. "I have never had anyone care for me the way the Queen does, just as I have never felt a longing towards another. I love her Nible, please don't tell her." Her hands touched the ground like she was pleading not only towards her but to the gods. Her small whispers were still being mumbled through her hair causing the older woman to sigh.

"At some point, she will find out, lies do not last long here."

Elysia stayed on the ground, her cries were gone but her voice had gone slightly more monotone. "You are right. My duty is to serve, not to deceive." Sitting on her knees even though the stone was harsh on her old young the girl stared at some dirt that was missing underneath the bed with calm eyes. "If I continue to lie I am not only fooling someone I love but someone who comes from the gods I serve."

Nible who had been pacing stopped knowing that fact was a lie just as much as the girl's identity was. Alura had never been molded by the gods just like she hadn't, she was born to a witch nonetheless. A crazed one who turned the king mad and resulted in the demise of themselves and millions of lives. She was a secret child of the throne that wasn't brought into the light until the people needed it, no one knew who the Queen really was so the desperate people clung to hope that for once their gods answered their prayers. Was the girl lying to keep others safe just the same as the woman who lied the same...probably more.

There was shuffling in the hall and Alura's voice was heard talking to the guards posted at the door. While Nible froze Elysia jumped up feeling a surge of courage run through her. "I have to tell her the truth."

"No!" The old woman caught the girl by the waist and stopped her from reaching the door. She tried to whisper as she held her back, both of their eyes staring at the door where the woman stood on the other side. "There is no telling what will happen, you can not tell her the truth!"

"I must Nible! It is the right thing to do, it can not be love if I am willing to deceive."

"You will lie for the sake of that love!" Nible fell to the floor with the girl because of her weak body leaving them both on the ground and unprepared as the Queen walked in with a smile that fell.

"What is going on here?" She went to her handmaiden first and helped her up but her blue orbs stayed put on the nervous brown ones that stared back with watery eyes. "What is wrong my little bird?"

Elysia tried to hold back the tears from staring at the woman's beautiful face and picturing her disapproval but all she could do was gulp to keep her tight throat from closing up while the smooth hands reached up to cup her face. "I- I am-"

"She is so nervous my lady." Nible pulled the Queen off of the girl and guided Elysia to the bed where she made her sit down. "You can not blame the young girl for her emotions can you?"

Alura found the situation odd but she only nodded slowly with a raised eyebrow, her eyes still on the brown ones who now refused to look at her. It wasn't often that she didn't know all the facts so it irritated her to know something was being hidden and the two people she trusted the most avoided telling her what they knew. Luckily, the girl who sat nervously was easier to crack than an egg falling out of a nest. "Oh little bird." Putting one hand on her stomach and the other on her back she walked forward with squinted eyes.

Elysia avoided looking up until she smelt the familiar fragrance that danced on the woman's wrist as she used only one finger to force her head up. She gulped once more seeing the Queen's features light up her view like candles fluttering in the wind, Alura's beauty was that of a stone carving that was kept secure and polished for centuries. It was daunting and scary to be so close to especially when she knew it.

"What are you not telling your Queen?" She whispered letting all her fingers grasp the girl's chin and bring her forward. It startled Elysia as she let her own hands grasp the bedding that crinkled it in her fist. She knew the blonde woman would never do anything to hurt her like she may do to others but the guilt that built inside the pit of her stomach pushed hard to come out, leaving her mouth willing to let everything go as she opened her lips.

"I told her about your infertility after the trouble you had with delivering our dead prince." Nible twirled the wet rag in her hands letting the water fall to the floor as she bowed slowly. "My apologies my lady."

Standing up straight the Queen sighed as she stared at her handmaiden for a few seconds. It was almost a relief there wasn't more going on but she realized why they had both been nervous about seeing her. "And what do you think of that Antonella?"

Elysia's mouth still stood a gap as she stared at the older woman who only motioned her to answer. "I- I suppose some women are just created by the gods to lead."

Alura chuckled. "And what do you think you were made to do?"

The young girl tried not to stir feeling the magic swirl around her fast beating heart. "I was made to be your other half my Queen."

"Yes, you were." Taking the younger girl's hand she pulled her to stand in front of her. "But it is wise to know some women can lead and bear children. You shouldn't feel like you have to choose my little bird." The brunette didn't say anything so the Queen let her pinky scratch her nose as she thought of what to say. "If we were allowed to have children together would you take it?"

Elysia wasn't sure if she was kidding or not, even with no education she was aware of the anatomy between men and women. She hadn't even thought of the possibility of them having children together like she and Nikolai were supposed to. "I would jump at it in an instant but how could such a thing be possible?"

"I have my ways little bird." Alura smiled at her answer and kissed the shorter girl softly on the forehead like a small wave kissing the sandy shore. "We will talk more of it tonight for now let us get ready for a feast. Some people are here that I think you will be excited to see."




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