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They were no way close to being done with me I had learned. But they seemed to have it all planned out as they usually did, sometimes it made me feel left out but when their plans lined up and their surprises reached me...I never felt left out. I was the center of their world and I absolutely adored it as much as they adored me. It was magical. A bit like a fantasy some would dream up, but it was my reality. They had let me sleep for a short while before my eyes were forced to part at the feeling of the blankets moving. I was facing Mrs. Winslet who smiled at me tiredly. It wasn't her turn apparently. She sat up and kissed Grace on the lips before petting my hair down and turning to the other side. Her small snores played again as Grace's hands ran over me and fondled every surface of my skin.

"You are so exhausted aren't you baby girl?" I could only nod. My body was done for, my jaw ached and my center was almost numb. Even my legs and limbs didn't want to cooperate as I closed my eyes again. She chuckled holding me close, I felt her hard behind me. Her dick was pushing against my thighs. "You just relax, I won't make you do much." Her hands moved, so I was open to her and placed her tip near my center. She took her time never entering but teasing me as she held my leg up and rubbed. Her lips neared my ear and goosebumps rose on my arms as I heard her moan and whimper. She bit her lower lip and I opened my eyes slightly just in time for her to enter. Wow was I sore. I couldn't object if I wanted to though. She was holding my arms down, and in control of my body as she put the key in and and laid still. I could feel her twitch and she whimpered again as her face buried in my neck.

Her hips pushed herself all the way in and my sounds were muted by her hand. "If you wake up Mrs. Winslet you'll have to take us both in one hole." Her voice skipped as she moved slowly. Her breaths became uneven. "Let her take her turn later and don't wake your master." When I forgot to agree she squeezed her hand that still sat at my mouth and moved my head for me. "Good girl. Now mommy wants to please herself with you. Mommy wants to feel a release again, can a baby girl help mommy with that?"  I whispered a yes ma'am. "What a good little pet. She pushed my head into the pillow and raised me up slightly to go deeper. "So lay still and don't make a sound." I did as I was told but she didn't move either. Only a few changes to make herself comfortable and she laid back down behind me. I wondered if she would suddenly start pounding me so I tensed up. A moan left her mouth from that. She was soaking herself in me, not moving, not talking, not even breathing too hard as the veins on her neck became more noticeable as I tensed again. Her hands were a little sweaty as she put them shakily on my tummy.

My center was confused as I turned slightly to try and read the situation. She didn't even know I did she only left her mouth agape as she squeezed my walls around her again. She rocked her hips ever so slightly before stopping herself and looking down at where we connected. She couldn't hold herself back anymore. She raised my arms and pinned me to her as she rolled on her back, my body flying with her as I looked up to the ceiling. A "pop" from her dick left me until she hurriedly put it back inside. It was an odd position for me. It pressed somewhere deep inside and I squirmed feeling like I was about piss myself but she wouldn't let me go. She raised her hips and rocked herself inside. Why did we have to fit so well together? I rolled over not intentionally but she thought it as such as she laid her weight on me. She was desperate and I must have interrupted again because she had been going as fast as ever. Her slick dick missed a few times as she held it and searched for my entrance again until she slammed inside. Her breathing was heavy and her sweat gleamed from her forehead again as she used me. The soreness was overtaking the numbness and I began feeling the pressure again to pee. I whimpered but she didn't hear. She only slowed down slightly to stop shaking the bed so much. It didn't bother Ms. Winslet who stayed still.

Finally, her dick disconnected from me, I didn't think I could hold it much longer and she kept stroking herself until she pulled me to the middle of the bed and took my face. Her cum leaked onto my cheek as she tried sticking it in my mouth where the rest of her oozed into me. I coughed and grabbed at her thighs but she only rested her head on the wall and rolled through a rough and powerful orgasm. Nothing fell into my mouth anymore as she curled up more to hold my head in place. When she left my mouth I gasped for air and coughed up what I couldn't swallow. Her white gift rolled down my chin as she rolled onto her back to catch her breath.

"You have a few hours before it's Ms. Winslets turn so you better get some rest." She breathed hard. "Then it'll be my turn again. And then hers and then we will share for lunch." I nodded feeling her raise up to grab something from her side table. A towel that hadn't been there before. "Come here." She scooped me up and held me in her arms as she cleaned my face, my tired eyes obeying as I drifted off just long enough to feel new arms clutch me for a trade-off. Mrs. Winslet was now wide awake as she turned on the side lamp allowing me to see Grace turn and close her own eyes.

"Can you move after what she did to you, darling?" She was smiling but I was exhausted, her humor was nothing to be as I curled up in her arms and fell back asleep. I didn't wake up for hours, I had never felt myself being carried and I never realized I was now on some blankets on the floor in Ms. Winslet's office. She was on the phone so I raised myself slowly and peeked over her desk where seemed to already know I was awake. Her crossed legs bounced and her finger ran along her lip as she kept talking to the person on the other end. I only smiled before stretching and looking at my clothes, I had been bathed and changed without even knowing it. Whatever spell they had me under was powerful.

"I was getting worried." Ms. Winslet said. She was leaning back in her office chair now with a playful look in her eye—a pen twirling between her fingers.

"What time is it?" I asked lifting myself up and carrying my blanket with me.

Looking at her watch, the older woman took her glasses off. "A bit after lunch." She waved me over and I listened sitting on her lap as she moved my hair over and ran her fingers over the shape of my body. "Did you enjoy last night?" After I nodded she ran her fingernails along my back. "I'm jealous Grace got her chance with you and I haven't today."

Something in me felt rebellious as I only shrugged and looked away. "Too bad." My body spun to face her as she moved my legs to straddle her and the chair. I gulped and she raised her eyebrows unbuttoning her pants. "I meant to say I'm sorry."

"Sure you did." She whispered pulling herself out. "Put me inside."

I looked down and played with her member for a moment while she watched. It took me a moment to pull my shorts and panties aside but when I did I took her and tried to find my own entrance. Once I felt her tip against me I felt the lubrication and easily slipped it inside. She whispered and leaned her head back but I focused on keeping it inside as I straddled her and sat down on her lap completely until there was no more that could slide in. I felt it so far that I wanted to immediately get back up but restrained myself long enough to move my hips instead.

I went in a circle on top of her and she ate it up by holding on top of my shorts with a balled fist to watch us- fit together. There was a drip of myself that slipped out and rolled down her member making her smile and breathe in through her teeth. My own pleasure was building as I began using my hips to make a wave motion. Its friction perfectly working my pleasure area. The fist in my clothes let go to grab hold of my hips as she pulled me close so we could kiss. My hips instinctively stayed busy as she breathed into my mouth to moan. "You can't stop Can you?" She said. My head shaking no before I could actually think.

If I knew Ms. Winslet I knew she would take those words and make me suffer which is why I groaned after saying it. She immediately wrapped her arms around my thighs to lift any kind of power I had away. As I became only a fuck doll she held and controlled. I groaned and tried moving my legs but she only moved me up and down so that I felt her tip every time she slammed me down. With me struggling, her dominance showed as she stood up just enough to have me lean my back on her desk as she pushed herself in and began pounding. She pulled out soon after and stepped back to breathe. She stared at me before fanning herself and smiling.

"Why did you stop?" I asked holding myself up by my elbows. My underwear and shorts slipped back over my swollen center. "Did I do something wrong?"

She laughed. "No darling. I just didn't want to finish so quickly."

I tried to hide my cheeky smile. "You have a lot of work to do anyway." Getting off her desk I pulled her chair over for her to sit and got underneath her desk. "Sit back down Ms. Winslet, you seem tired."

Laughing the older woman played along by unzipping her pants more so I had better access to her before sitting and rolling herself forward. I took her in immediately but slowed myself so she wouldn't end it. It was a wise idea but when I used my hands to run along her shaft I froze hearing her door open. "I'm so sorry Ms. Winslet he just came in."

The woman at the desk didn't seem as scared, she only rolled herself in more. "That's alright Nina."

I heard the door close before I peeked under the opening of the desk to see dress shoes kick the blankets away and sit. "Had your pet in here recently?" It was her brother.

"What do you want? I'm very busy." Sitting back up I noticed a hand waiting open. I instinctively put my hand on top and she guided it back to her. I smiled and obliged. Her words never wavered as I used my tongue to run along her tip and take her back inside.

"I'm sure you are. Knocking out our cops, ignoring our calls- what's your deal sis? Are you done making money?"

I raised my eyebrows and paused. The cop wasn't a real police officer he was working for them? Was Ms. Winslet trying to get away from them?

"That's none of your business." Her hand was rougher as she pushed my head back in making me try to hide a gag. She started petting my hair so I did what I knew how to do.

He chuckled. "If it's not mine it's certainly fathers. We will be here at 6 for dinner."

"I'm ecstatic." She tried to make her words flat but I could hear the small crack as she twitched in my mouth. "We will talk then. I'm not sure why this couldn't be a phone call."

He got off the couch with a huff. "Nice to see you too sis." He left without any other word. The slamming of the door and the pretend typing of the woman filled the room until I heard a quiet grunt. Ms. Winslet's legs had spread more for me and I bobbed my head feeling her warm liquid fill my mouth and flow to the inside of my cheeks and down my throat. I stayed still as she reached down to move my head again and then pet my hair before pulling herself out and rolling back to look at me. She didn't seem as concerned as I thought she would be. Perhaps to keep me from worrying but she smiled as I wiped my mouth and crawled out.


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