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Every time I looked over at the two who talked amongst one another I remembered the night before and I would feel in my chest how much I wanted them again. It was surreal in a way that suddenly the two woman I loved were both taking their turns kissing me and showing me attention then the next second laughing together. I had wondered about their past before but at the moment I wasn't too interested in what it might be I was just trying to get to the evening. The time of day Amelia had said was the end of my punishment.

It was agony. Every step I could still feel them from the night before but I didn't feel any satisfaction. We walked around the lake and skipped rocks but in the back of my head, I just wanted to know what time it was. Grace was watching me closely, I could feel it as I heard her soft steps glide behind me. Her way of walking is like the woman of the house meeting you on a stairway. Her eyes were even more so that way as I met her gaze. They were playful as she raised her eyebrows. She was trying to ask what was on my mind even though she knew the answer. A smirk kissed my ear as she grabbed me from behind and stopped me from walking. "Already bored of our walk?"

Amelia was in front of us, in her own world as she found a good rock and picked it up to look it over "We won't be seeing this view much longer. Get a good look." She decided it wasn't good enough to throw so she put it in her off hand to pick up another. "It's nice, isn't it? Out here just the three of us." She threw the rock, but it only skipped twice. "No one knows our name or who we are."

"We would have to go a long way for the name Winslet to not mean anything." Grace let me go so she could go over to her boss. "Either way your father would find you. Your mother would guilt you and your brother would take it all."

They both looked over at me as I innocently tried to engage. "Take what?"

Amelia looked at me as if she was trying to find the truthful words but Grace had other ideas, she looked down at her watch. "We could sit and talk about this or we could make our way back home, come along Amelia." She stopped before me and raised my chin with only her pinky. "You too pet." They mutually enjoyed my torment I'm sure. They pushed me forward and left under their directional control as Tobby put our bags into the car he had come to pick us up in.

"Since you really are our willing pet now I'm inclined to really make you play the part." Amelia took her sunglasses out as she opened the back door. "Have you thought about that Grace?" I sat in the middle between them and there was a smirk. "Get your harness and collar back out. Make you crawl on your knees"

Grace was excited to add her opinion. "Sleep at our feet and follow every order given"

My heart dropped thinking of the other pets I had helped and then doomed. "Andy had to do that."

"What?" Grace smiled at first but her eyebrows frowned when she saw my seriousness.

"Ms. Winslet's mom, her pet Andy. He said he had to earn that."

Amelia put her sunglasses on and looked out the window. "I say we focus on punishments." Regaining her cool the brunette sat straighter. "Grace was slacking because she had a crush but I think she's willing to bring back her strict side."

"Slacking?" The blonde's face showed a humorous gasp but she never denied it. "Either way, the doors are really open now baby." She was being extra touchy as she curled my hair in between her fingers. "and you are only a few hours away from being allowed to cum."

My cheeks reddened and suddenly I had the realization I was in between the two woman in a compact car, both their eyes on me as the roads went from bumpy terrain to smooth pavement. I had nowhere else to look so I focused my attention on my hands hoping for a second that it would be okay for them to change topics, something they did luckily to let my face regain its natural color and my palms stop sweating. I wasn't sure how they did but they were able to talk about important things without anyone else knowing what it was referring to. It made me wonder enough to interrupt their conversation about who knows what to look at them both. "What's the deal between you two?"

Shock played on both their faces at first before Grace laughed and sat back to get a good look at me. "What's the deal?" She copied.

I nodded as Amelia took her turn. "Oh, darling don't you know you aren't allowed to ask us questions without permission?"

"I didn't know that." Embarrassment rushed through me again and Amelia only hummed.

"I suppose it's difficult to know every little thing we expect from you. Maybe that is something we can go over together." Her hand laid softly on my knee and danced up to my thigh. Our contact brief as blue lights flashed onto us from behind. A police officer directed Tobby over by the flick of his turn signal.

I wasn't sure how everyone else stayed so calm but I held my breath as the man took his time walking to the driver's side and leaning over. "Afternoon sir, I pulled you over for a taillight. It flickered for a bit before stopping so I thought I would go ahead and let you know." Tobby was polite but the man's suspicions grew as he looked at us in the back. "Do you happen to have your identification?"

Tobby was quick to hand it over and even grab a card out of his wallet. The officer took his time reading it before nodding and going to his car.

Amelia must have seen the worry on my face. "Don't worry kitten, the card he gave him is information enough. He must be new. Everyone knows not to pull us over."

Her words were comforting enough until his knuckle startled us by hitting the window and speaking. "Why don't you and your driver step out for a moment."

A change so subtly happened in Mrs. Winslet's face. Her once soft demeanor only we had the privilege to see gone as she stepped out and straightened her coat and watch. A power move as she took off her sunglasses and looked down at the now timid officer. Tobby was behind her waiting calmly as he began to speak. "I don't mean to be a bother. I'm not sure where you are headed but this shouldn't take long. Just a few mix-ups I'm sure. "

I scooted closer to Grace who instinctually put her arm around me.

It was silent for a moment before Mrs. Winslet gave a convincing hum. "Well isn't that odd. What did you see?"

He ignored her for a moment and moved over to see me behind the daunting woman. "And what might your name be?"

"Ivy Clarke," Amelia said cooley but it left me with wrinkled eyebrows and a glance up at the blonde who didn't look at me. Did they legally change my name to hers?"

"Married?" The police officer asked ignoring Amelia again.

Grace was there to save the day as she held my hand and smiled. "Two Months."

There was nothing the police officer could say. He stepped back and examined his position. He looked at the faces of Amelia and Tobby and cleared his throat hoping there was a way out. "Perhaps I should call my superior."

"Call Sergeant Banks." Mrs. Winslet whispered.

He paused, his phone open. "I'm sorry ma'am I don't answer to him, I-"

"Call him or call no one."

I tensed up. The interaction made my heart beat quicker.

Mrs. Winslet was doing her best to block my view, I tried to shimmy out of Grace's grasp to see but she held me back and wrapped her other arm around me to keep me still. Their preparation for this scenario not going unnoticed by me as I looked at her and then back outside.

"It will just be a short-" The police officer paused before looking back at me. "How about everyone steps out of the vehicle."

"They stay." Mrs. Winslet's voice had gotten deeper, quieter. The man's eyes stayed glued to hers but his hand moved to his belt. That's when Tobby moved from his spot and lunged forward with his fist outright. I couldn't see what was going on from the body of Amelia blocking my sight but I heard it. I heard it all.

Ms. Winslet had to move for a second to retrieve the phone Tobby handed her leaving me to see his body on the ground, bloodied and battered. Was he dead? I for one was shocked. A few seconds of nothing until the shock of the loud noise disappeared and I heard Grace say, "shh little one there is nothing to be afraid of." She was petting my hair but my brain finally clicked.

I had never seen violence like that. And they worked fast, and proficiently. Amelia's eyes looked towards me every few moments to see what I was doing and Grace gripped harder to me as realization hit. "He killed someone. We killed someone."

"Sweetheart no one killed anyone, calm down."

My mind began spinning. I was shimming away from Grace and going to the door even though she was grabbing my arms and trying to pull me back. Amelia saw her struggle and came to help but I couldn't even hear what she was saying I only tried to look around for a way out. Somewhere I could breathe but my path was blocked by Amelia who calmly pushed me back into Grace. She held me like a baby as Amelia reached into her bag on the floor of the car. The shot I hated to see coming into view as they used their teamwork to keep me contained until my body started going limp. My eyes swirled and my body was wrapped around Grace as another car pulled up. Jonathon was there to help Tobby as Grace got us into the front seat and Mrs. Winslet took the driver's side. I fell asleep trying to mumble but there was no use as we sped away to our home leaving Ms. Winslet's men to clean up the mess.


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