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The handmaidens who waited outside in the halls to clean up after dinner pushed their backs against the walls as the Duke rushed past them with a confused Elysia being dragged behind. They whispered to one another as the Dutchess called out to her husband who never slowed.

Conroy brought the girl and his family who followed into a room that resembled a library. His girls studied history and the languages of their forefathers in this room, which meant no one else was usually allowed to enter. Being overly cautious, he closed any heavy curtains to shield the outside influence and looked around the corners to be sure a maid wasn't hiding away.

"What in the god's name are you doing?" Caroline took Elysia and examined her red wrist from the Duke's overly excited grip. "You scared the poor girl!"

Their youngest daughter, Katy, stood by her mother. Her face held a puzzled expression that surpassed that of the one her mother's had, but she knew not to speak unless she was asked a question. She knew it was best not to cause trouble while her father acted the way he did. He almost looked mad- pacing around the room combing what little hair he did have left on his head back.

Conroy ignored the questions as he crossed his arms and examined the young girl who did not look into his eyes out of respect. He had seen her working around their place of living but he never paid much mind to her. "What is your age girl?"

Feeling Caroline squeeze her shoulders to answer the question Elysia spoke, "22 my lord."

"She's older, but not by much." He ran his fingers over his beard in thought. "What is your name?"

"Elysia, my lord."

"A fine name." He said. "Your new name is Antonella."

Elysia didn't even have time to show her confusion as Caroline spoke up quicker. "She can not go in place of our daughter, she has skin whiter than milk and hair darker than my own!"

Knowing the point his wife was trying to make, he only stared at the handmaiden's face. It was true that too many walls they built for a story could crumble, but it was the only way. He didn't imagine many in his house who served him would tell the queen about the deception because most from Westile didn't think of people from Wellbourne as good friends. There was also the matter of knowledge- a commoner would know nothing of what the royals had to learn while growing up. "Where are you from?"


"Bloody hells." He glanced to his wife who only shook her head. They were both well aware of how people in Stonevale were raised. Without knowing who the girl really was, they pieced together who she was and why she came to work for them. Stonevale was in the countryside, lined with thieves, murderers, and rapists. They all were sent to work for the rest of the kingdom and fight any magic that tried to leave the neighboring forest. "Katy, go tell the guards to bring us Onoris."

"You cannot bring her here," Caroline spoke softly. Elysia noticed from her years of service that the softer the duchess's voice went the more serious she became.

"It is done."

"Then undo it! That witch will bring nothing but trouble for our family, I'd rather send Antonella to get married." The Duke and Dutchess were close to one another, whispering away as they argued. This left Elysia alone by a tower of books. She always wondered what it was like to read so many words. She had learned how to read, but only small words with easy pronunciation which meant she never learned enough to read stories about their history. She only heard drunken tales by fires from greasy men and loud-singing women.

Conroy put his hand on his wife's shoulder silencing her. They both watched the handmaiden they never cared to know to walk down the wooden shelves and let her fingers feel the sounds of stories told by writers and philosophers. There was only one way to trick a royal family who had a council backing her every step. It was the last thing he wanted to do, but it was necessary. He felt for the girl whose life would be taken, the innocent girl who seemed to be curious about the finer things in life. "Take them, girl." The Duke reached to the top shelf and brought down a cloth wrapped around a stack of tinier books. "These are the history of Pentad."

Elysia could only muster out a faint "thank you" before Katy came back with two guards and a hooded figure following behind. Conroy quickly held his arm out to shield his wife and daughter, leaving Elysia in the middle and exposed to the attention of the tall woman. Because of the dark hood covering the top of her face and most of her body, all the girl could see were green forest eyes looking her up and down. She had seen witches from afar as a child but never before had she been so close. Her hair on her arm stood up and she held her breath as the woman inched closer.

"We call to ask a favor Onoris." The Duke poked his chest out a little further wanting to stop the woman but when he did her eyes turned to him and he froze. He never liked magic. It was the thing he detested most in the world and to have it so close to the ones he loved pained him. He knew how to wield a sword and murder men in war but he had no idea how to stop those who practiced the dark arts. He knew only how to pray.

"You want to send this girl in place of your daughter Antonella," Onoris said, her voice carrying a lot further than the Duke's. "Let her wed the Prince in place of the true Antonella?"

"Yes." The Duke put his arm down and took a step forward to show his strength. "But she does not look like my daughters. Her complexion proves she is from Stonevale and she has no education. Is it possible to trick The Queen and her wise council?"

The room went quiet as the witch brought her attention back to the girl. Elysia barely understood what was happening, but she did not want to have magic fuel her. She didn't want to deceive anyone or make herself known. She wanted to stay in the background, do her work, and live a safe life. Her duty, however, was to the Maddox family. She was brought in to serve them and they took care of her as well as the other handmaidens. She couldn't jeopardize her spot and be sent back to the life she worked so hard to leave.

"Her beauty is already something to cause confusion." The witch put her gloved hands on the girl's cheeks. "I cannot pick what they choose to do, I only speak for them." Her thumbs caressed the smooth skin before running down her red lips. Onoris saw the fear making the girl tremble but stayed attached to her, not letting her grip go.

"They won't hurt her will they?" Caroline asked. Her purpose was keeping her daughters safe, but her motherly instinct was in overdrive. The poor girl was young and sweet;  She didn't want anything to happen because she could picture her own blood in Elysia's position. She would die before she let her daughters be subjected to magic.

"If I summon them, you will be in debt Conroy," Onoris said tightening her grip. He nodded and the witch grinned. No one could see her smile but the girl saw the wrinkles around the green eyes. Her mouth opened wide as she felt a surge of something shocking run down her body. Her limbs weren't able to be controlled by her brain anymore as the books once in her hands fell to the marble floor. No screams or whimpers left her mouth as her body lifted and floated. Elysia could only keep her eyes focused on the witch's green amused ones.

She wondered how this happened. How could the girl so good at blending into the background could be in the hands of black magic? The underworld gods she heard so much about before were twisting themselves around her torso to squeeze and force the air out of her mouth. Elysia just wanted to work for the Maddox, not be one of them.

"That's enough!" Conroy said, his feet planted on the floor as he held onto his daughter and wife. The wind coming from the center of the room made it almost impossible to stand upright.

As soon as it happened it stopped. Elysia fell to the floor and the Maddox family held onto each other, almost afraid of what they would see.

"It is done," Onoris spoke looking at her hands that flickered with leftover beams of magic.

"What did they do to her?" Katy asked, her curiosity getting the better of her as she peeked over her father's arms.

The hooded witch bent down to Elysia who lay on the floor shaking, the girl looked the same but something shined differently. "Her blessings come from her eyes." The thumb that caressed her before reached up to feather the girl's eyelashes. "Her beauty is grand enough. They only added a strand of curiosity to those who look into her soul."

"What does any of that mean?" Conroy went to the bowed witch and called the guards over in case she decided to do something unexpected.

"Her soul is in the Iris of her eye." Onoris looked at the swirling colors of Elysia. "Be shy, be respectful, but if you are caught let the curious ones look into your soul girl. They will not push the answers of such truth. You have strength."

Conroy became red in the face, his fist balled up and he yelled with anger. "How in the bloody hells will that work?"

"Send her and see, or send your real daughter." Onoris let her eyes smile again at the girl before standing up. "Either way, you now are in debt to the underworld. They will be asking for your payment soon Conroy Maddox."

Leaving as quickly as she came, the confused family looked around the room she was once in. The Duke, still furious, called his guards to search for the woman. He instructed them to turn the town into shambles in hopes the witch would be found.

"What did you do?" Caroline whispered holding Katy close to her, her sight glued to the girl still laid out on the floor with her eyes open wide, the swirling colors in her iris going faster than before.



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