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We left early the following day. What we did not bring up or even acknowledged as Ms. Winslet and I sat in the lobby of the hotel, other business-minded men sat at the tables eating their breakfast but she deemed the acceptable spot to be a booth with a direct view of the television. The news was running its course and her brain was soaking up every single fact it could. Her interest really peeking as the stocks ran across the bottom of the screen. I couldn't figure out why that was any different from the numbers she read from her phone a few minutes ago.

Ms. Winslet also skipped breakfast, the only thing filling her stomach was the warmth of the black coffee she drank out of the small styrofoam cup. I on the other hand was delighted to bite into the surgery blueberry muffin. It was glazed with a coated sweetener that I'm sure made Ms. Winslet disgusted. For once she didn't deny me of my pleasure but instead just slid over one of her napkins. I thanked her with a small smile and finished chewing as I watched Tobby and Jonathon roll out the bags. "Fast trip."

"Far too much work to do." Her eyes broke away from the screen long enough to watch me take another bite. "It was good though." Leaning forward she used the napkins she used for the sides of her lips to brush away a crumb.

Flashbacks of the night before raced through my mind as I put my foot down and grabbed my water. My heart suddenly raced as I tried to cool my chest down with the liquid. Her presence itself made it hard to concentrate on anything, but the moment she moved closer I found myself being under the influence of a drug I couldn't place. I wasn't ever one to lust for much, but she was just the taste of something that felt so addicting. To the feeling of not only pleased but-

"The water is gone sweetie, I don't think any more is coming out." Amelia Winslet was smiling wider than she usually did. Her hand was on mine as she brought the cup down and took it away. "The car is parked outside, I have to make a call but I'll be there shortly." I smiled back at her, our gazes meeting each other again since they were hungry for each other before. I nodded and followed the direction of her head gesturing towards outside.

When I sat in the car I was familiar with I found my eyebrows furrowing. My game console sitting there waiting for me and my bag that held my belongings sighed with a cursive stamp of my given name. I was willingly getting into the car to take me to my...home. I shouldn't be wanting to go home, I should be wanting to go home but that reality seemed so far away and so out of the ordinary it didn't seem real. This reality I was in was the only thing I could accept and I was willingly doing so now.

I had to have been thinking of this for a while because the once-still view of the hotel turned to the passing of trees and brick homes. I turned my head slowly to see the woman I was thinking of sitting near beside me with her head leaned back music was being played up front but I couldn't even recognize the sounds all I could sense was the figure of her neck and jawline that showed itself. Her sunglasses hid the eyes of the woman who knew I was staring. "Can you put the privacy setting up Jonathon?"

I jumped at her sudden words and watched a black-tinted glass come up between the men in front and us. The buzzing of its mechanics only stopped when there was a click. The music I once heard was gone and so was my view of their heads that always bobbed along.

"Would you like to sit closer?" Ms. Winslet asked. Her arm now above me resting on the seat's leather. I could only nod as she unbuckled my seatbelt and slid me over so effortlessly. Since her arm was behind me I leaned back slightly feeling my heart speak up again but she heard it before me. "Why so nervous kitten?"

I didn't know how to respond but she didn't seem to mind. She brushed my hair away from my face and let her eyes look me over. I couldn't even meet her gaze, I instead watched her hands that started at my thighs and ran upwards towards my breasts where she squeezed lightly. I wasn't huge in that area but it seemed to be enough for her as she repeated herself on my other side. Her face leaned closer to my neck and I could feel her breath against my skin. The shallow breaths of her hunger seeped into my skin as I tried my best not to move or give any indication for her to stop.

Her lips met my ear as she chuckled at such a low frequency that I shivered beneath her. "What a pity."

Confused I opened my eyes to see we had stopped. The two men were already out of the car as I sat dumbfounded. Why did we have to stop? I tried unbuckling my seatbelt but my shaky hands were unable to work correctly. Ms. Winslet had to make it worse by leaning over and doing it for me. "Where are we?" I finally whispered as she helped me out. Her greed for me grew as she straightened my collar to make sure her name was shown.

"The organization you came from may not be the best but they do take care of you once you homed." She peered over me to the large worn brick buildings. "You'll be coming here a lot soon."

"Why?" I followed her sight and examined the vast difference of people on a field playing what seemed to be a game of rugby.

Her chuckle brought my attention back as she gathered her stuff and put on her sunglasses. "Don't be afraid kitten." We left the comfort of the car and I waited patiently until she was next to me, her hand behind my back to push me toward down the sidewalk of what felt like a college. "Think of it like a daycare for pets." I drew closer to her as some guys ran past me, their collars clinking and reflecting the sun into my eyes. "I can't imagine leaving you here but they do offer many things for you. Art, sports, music..." Stopping she turned me towards her and fixed my hair that tried blowing away with the wind. "Anything my pet wants my pet gets."

From the amount of info that was thrown my way I only was able to reply with a curl of my lip before a man met us at the entrance. "Ms. Winslet how wonderful of you to come." His suit was brighter than the sun. "You must be Ivy. How very glad I am to meet you." He bowed at me and then took Amelia's hand. "What can we help you with today? Sign-ups?"

"Not today Winston." Taking her sunglasses off my master looked around. "She needs new clothes."

"But of course. A beautiful young lady like this one needs to be displayed in only the finest fabrics." Reaching out he asked us to follow. We did so as he counted on his fingers the number of styles he thought would accompany me.

His voice seemed to carry for ages and Ms. Winslet must have felt the same as me because as we reached a shop with clothes from every place you could imagine she interrupted his speech. "I want cottage core." Her arms tied together behind her as she stepped away from a cart lined with name-brand high heels. "Grace brought up it fitting her and I can't help but agree."

I wanted to listen more,
Especially when it was Grace whose name I heard but I was unable as I was told to stand on a platform where two women came out to measure me. With my arms in the air and legs spread I caught the eyes of the blue-eyed woman who liked the sight more than I thought she would. There was something stunning about the Aloof Amelia Winslet. She wasn't a mysterious hard woman with trauma and darkness behind her. She was a tall domineering individual who knew her worth. She looked at what she wanted and got it. I was just lucky enough to be it.

The dressing room was bigger than anything I had been in before, it was painted in a warm tan and displayed more of a private room than a dressing area. The mirror in front of me was spotless and the bench behind me was perfect for Amelia Winslet who sat down comfortably and crossed her legs. "Try the green one first."

I said nothing as I looked at the clothes hanging on the wall, I shouldn't have felt embarrassed of myself especially since our naked bodies had been so close before but couldn't help but remember it was dark and I was underneath the covers. I was never one to be aware of my body, I wasn't a thin model but I was never on any diets I limited to myself either. I just felt normal, but she was more than normal.

Avoiding her gaze I took my shirt off slowly and unhooked the dress hoping to hear nothing but I paused as I heard a tsk. "Take it all off Ivy."

Biting my lip I did just that before taking the dress and skipping it over myself. I avoided the mirror but there was no one else to look at except her so I did so, just in time to see her stand and walk over. I backed up for a second but she was so much taller, her stride was nothing I could compete with. And her hunger...I could see it from a mile away. She took my arms and spun me to meet her face to face, her grip was tight as she looked past me and into the mirror where she raised the back of my dress and smirked at the sight of my ass. "Like a perfectly risen dough." I fell into her as her fingers gripped my cheeks. She was rough as she kneaded my skin but at least I had her to bury my face in as she slapped my ass.

I could feel her smile. As she switched cheeks, her attention to them so watchful that when I looked up at her I could see her mouth agape. It made me smile. Maybe my body was enough for the likes of her.

"Oh ya." She whispered pulling away and grabbing my arms. "You're getting fucked." Roughly she spun me around and bent me down. My eyes raised to watch her through the mirror as she took off her jacket and started unbuttoning her pants. "You have to be quiet do you understand kitten? If not I'll have to gag you." I nodded wondering when it was coming but her words had deceived me as I felt the pressure of her entering me from behind. She wasn't as soft as she was the first time and I luckily had a bench in front of me to catch me as I tried bracing myself. She went as far in as she could and then adjusted her legs before smiling. "Say thank you, Mrs. Winslet."

"Thank you, Mrs. Winslet," I whispered feeling her leave and slam back into me. My eyes had to tighten, my mouth had to hang, and I had to try my best not to let any noise from leaving. Every time I felt her enter me again I felt the sensation crawl up my stomach making me raise up on my tippy toes. As much as I loved it the feeling was so strong. It was for her too I imagine because when my eyes rose I saw the hair fall into her face and her dark eyes need more, she was pushing into me as far as she could but I was moving too much.

Pushing me so that I had to catch myself on the mirror she huffed before grabbing the rack of clothes beside us and hanging onto them as she railed me harder. That seemed to help her for a bit as she threw her head back and stared at the ceiling. The ecstasy of us joined together jolting her as she began to feel herself released. I never thought about how she was still inside of me I just let her grab my arms and pull me into her as she wrapped her arms around my neck and stomach. Her moan in my ear caused me to shiver as she held on tight and stopped moving except for the twitch of the aftermath. Her breath became warm on my ear as I felt something warm and oozy inside of me.

She realized at the same time I did because she rubbed her forehead on my shoulder and pulled out slowly. "Fuck." She whispered under her breath knowing what she had done. "I'm so glad I put you on birth control. I almost didn't because I thought I could control myself but-"

Fixing my dress I looked into the mirror at my flushed face and then at her while she buttoned her pants. I waited for her to finish but she never did as she looked up at me. I didn't know what to say and neither did she but we both smiled.

A knock disturbed us both but our smiles stayed stamped. "Can I help with anything? Are they the right sizes?"

"Their great." Ms. Winslet replied. "We'll take them."

There was a pause.

"Which ones?"

"All of them." Taking my hand she grabbed her stuff and opened the door making him fall in. "Take them to our car when you're done."


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