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The supposed cold days meant nothing when the sun beat down on Nikolai's pale blonde waves. The bright rays melted the snow that had fallen through the night and made a bead of sweat soak through his thick, white, cotton-spun shirt as he swiftly went through the main muddy arena to greet his friend, Lenal. He was in the midst of all the chaos and neighing horses like he usually was, his bright smile catching the attention of most that worked to prepare the Arena.

Lenal was the opposite of Nikolai in appearance. He was far more muscular and tall, even at their young age of 17, while the young prince was thinner and faster. Lenal also had a deep voice that went along well with his dark kinky hair and shiny moonlight skin. The girls that giggled around him loved it but they loved the thought of a prince being interested in them more. It brought their giggles to a higher tune and their arms and hands to become clingier. "You come at the wrong time dear friend." Lenal ran his tongue along his strangely clean teeth seeing the girls sway their attention to the blonde.

"Seeing as you have practice I think I came at the right time." Putting his arm over the girl closest to him, Nikolai threw a wink over to the man whom he considered his brother. They had grown together in the castle; Lenal was of lower status but made something of himself when he applied his time and strength to the world of fighting. "Do you not agree?"

Shaking his head, the dark-skinned boy decided it was best not to answer since the prince had a large cup of sweet wine in his other dry hand. Things never went the way he imagined them to when the prince had fermented liquid in his hands. Some may consider it a problem but their friendship never went to the length of correcting each other's flaws.

"Why so grim?"

One of the girls that were not getting enough attention from the confused boy made her way over to sit on Lenal's lap. "He's frightened about the fight."

"I'm not frightened." He snapped quickly. Straightening his back, he diverted his eyes to not meet the blonde's amused ones. "The more I win, the more money is bet on my behalf."

"What a problem to have." Nikolai gave one of his signature smirks. It made the girls giggle and Lenal sigh. "There is always a sure way to relieve stress my friend." Looking down at the girl wrapped around his arm, he let his gaze fall down to her large breasts. There were many people who thought the role of a prince meant responsibility and authority but none of that really was laid out for him. The council thought of him as too carefree and immature so Nikolai did what any eighteen-year-old boy would do...he took advantage of it.

"If the Queen catches wind of you and I back in that place again she will have you hung and me thrown to the forest."

The young prince threw his head back to let the remainder of his drink fall into his mouth, spilling drops down his neck, and staining his clothes. "You give my mother far too much credit."

"You don't give her enough," Lenal murmured.

A burp accompanied the sound of a *clink* as his silver cup bounced off of Lenal's new armor propped carefully against the wooden bench and rested easily in the mud below the blonde. He didn't even notice the irritated sigh that left his friends mouth. The future king had learned to disregard any frustration because he knew he was untouchable. "Help me understand-" Letting go of the girls and kicking the cup out of his way, he slowly bent down to be eye to eye with the sitting man. "Lenal Underhill, second of his name, who sits on the council as the people's advisor is more afraid of a woman that sits higher on a throne than of the future king himself."

"You are no King yet friend." Lenal stood up, bumping the blonde back showing himself taller. "She is gods gift to the people, you are only half-blood."

Nikolai pursed his lips together before pushing his friend as hard as he could. He didn't take kindly to the words 'half-blood.' And Lenal was very aware of the effect it had on him. He staggered back but only smiled. The girls moved out of the way seeing the well-known fighter move his boots out of the sinking mud and bring up his cuffed sleeves. "If I have offended you my friend I truly apologize. I meant no offense."

Picking up the sword and shaking off some excess earth, Nikolai stood his stance. His breathing was hard from the wine that filled his belly but he kept his face still to show he was not joking. "We are in the perfect place to settle this. Do I need to wait for your precious armor?"

Lenal was tired, he spent his days practicing to fight real warriors but he was never too tired to put the cocky prince in place. Nikolai held a stance higher than most but because of his privileged life he lacked talent in areas that most excelled at. It ate him up and Lenal was the only one close enough to notice.

Taking the sword his young apprentice brought to him respectfully, Lenal nodded his head as thanks. His rough hands cradled the handle that was crafted just for him while he could hear his friend's shifty feet become impatient. "I just had her made." Holding it up so the sun could reflect off of the steel and show the reflection of the blonde waves. "Are you sure that tiny practice toy will be enough?"

A yell escaped Nikolai's mouth as he leaped forward; Lenal blocked it sending a loud clash through the arena, making the girls run out of the way and the working men to pause and watch. All of his weight was used to land down on Lenal's sword but the trained fighter held his ground pushing back. They were only allowed three more strikes at each other as a voice was heard from the entrance. "I thought the fight was two moons away."

The two young men stopped immediately and turned to face the man who stood on the very edge of the arena. He kept his feet away from the mud to make sure his bright red cloak and fabrics stayed true to their color as his eyes examined the prince and warrior breathing heavily next to each other. They knew they were in trouble as their gazes met each other. "We were only having some fun Imil" Dropping the sword back into its place in the mud, Nikolai smiled and walked over to the big man who kept his arms clutched behind his back "You should try it sometime."

Lenal gave his sword back to the short boy who held his arms out and walked over keeping his eyes on his heavy steps.

The only thing heard after that was the distant clanks of the metal workers across the road who had no idea of the halt in work. Imil, who stood taller and bigger than both boys, looked between the two. "The sun only permits a few more hours of practice. You should take advantage of the privilege instead of fooling around like a child."

"Of course sir." Patting Nikolai on the back Lenal left as quickly as he could. Escaping into the den of the rest area to have his armor put on his body. The blonde boy put his hands on his hips before looking up at the dark man. "What blessings have fallen on me to bring such a clean man to the Grand Arena?"

The older man's lips twitched with annoyance "Queen Alura has called for your presence." He paused before turning his head to meet the now wide blue eyes. "Immediately." The two men behind him slammed the bottom of their spears into the ground twice making the prince jump before turning on their feet to follow the older man out of the wide entrance. Nikolai had no other choice but to roll his eyes and follow.

The walk back to his home was short but he made sure to give notice to the commoners that waved at him. He wondered what it was like to walk alone in the streets of Wellbourne but that was something he never expected to know about. Men surrounding him for his protection were guaranteed- especially outside of the castle's walls. The people were poor and angry at the separation between royalty and working men. Most were still intrigued, though. They wanted to touch him and feel the skin of a man held in high regard.

When they set foot inside the protected walls, the men behind him stopped to close the gate but Nikolai continued through the halls behind Imil. He never got along well with the unimpassioned man; when his father died at an early age, the council seemed to think he was the best bet as a man showing Nikolai how to act. It only caused hostility and separation because the two had nothing in common- Imil Shanbert was from a family of great warriors who didn't just fight for fun, but helped win the dark war. Their allegiance with the Queen never wavered- and that wasn't different for Imil.

The echoes of their footsteps became louder inside the emptiness of the castle's runway and the young prince held his breath knowing the bigger the room meant being closer to his mother's disapproving eyes. And disapproving they were.

Imil stopped before entering and bowed down towards the front of the room. He stood up straight to let Nikolai pass and left swiftly leaving them alone. The young prince rolled his neck around to avoid the gaze of the women who sat straight on the smooth large throne that so many had died to sit on, its neutral worn out colors not even looking as spectacular as the woman who occupied it at the moment. "The snow is melting on-"


Gulping, Nikolai finally let his blue eyes meet the brighter hue. His mother's tired and still gaze crept up his arms to make him shake off the chills, but he complied and stayed silent. She commanded the room with barely any words. Her guards left and so did her own personal handmaiden with nothing than a glance to instruct them.

She stood up slowly showing off her large gold and white dress that was worn only for days she met with the common folk to grant wishes to issues around the kingdom. It seemed to be a tiring duty as she descended down the stone steps and down the rug with her shoulders hung back and her head lower than usual.

He stayed perfectly still before the woman stopped beside him. "Let us take a walk son."




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