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The drive towards our destination reminded me a lot of the first time I sat beside the stoic woman. The driver and guard wore the same black suits and hummed the same songs and Ms. Winslet ignored me in favor of the book she found herself indulging in. I, however, did not look forward wondering what would be next like I did that day but instead, I twisted my head to get another look at Grace who waved from the steps before disappearing back into our house.

I watched for a minute longer hoping she would come back out but she never did so I released the tension in my neck by sitting correctly and closing my eyes. The time I had spent in my new life didn't feel like it had been very long but as I peeked up front to see what the car said I was surprised to see months had passed. Perhaps that's why I was so nervous, not because of Ms. Winslet who filled the silence with the flipping of her pages but because I hadn't done anything like this for that long.

Adjusting my collar and then my romper which felt like it was riding up I looked over at the older woman wondering if I should make conversation. I didn't know how long our ride would be and I thought it would only make it easier. Reading the title I realized it was about financing and investing and grimaced knowing there was nothing I could add to that.

She noticed, however, a trait only Amelia Winslet possessed, the ability to somehow know when to intervene. "Interested?"

I tied my hands together with my fingers. "In money? Not really."

"In knowledge." Ms. Winslet looked up from her book for a few seconds to look me up and down. "Investing in knowledge pays the best."

"I'm always willing to learn," I whispered. My confidence must have come off small as she only nodded and went back to reading. Leaving me with only my thoughts for a moment before I felt something touch my arm. Peering down I saw the bright colors of a handheld gaming console like I owned at home. Immediately, my eyes lit up and I took it from the woman who switched the way her legs were crossed.

"Grace said she finds you playing with the games on the telly a lot." She shrugged off her kindness with a clear of her throat. "I'm not sure why, those things are going to rot half of the bloody generations."

I didn't even have to turn it on to appreciate the gift, I only smiled and let my fingers run across the smooth surface of the screen. Its reflection showed the happiness I rarely saw in myself. "Thank you, Ms. Winslet."

She was already back to reading. Her only words after that were to remind me that it was child locked and unable to get internet even if I tried. I didn't expect it to, in fact, I didn't want it to. I just wanted to enjoy and even though every game on there had a hidden concept of learning I did. The gift wasn't just a blessing or a bribe to be better it was a reminder that Ms. Winslet wasn't bad. She was a woman who wanted to show she wasn't mad anymore, that she wanted me happy. And in her own way, that's how she showed it.

She even put her book down at one point to watch me, she pretended not to but in the corner of my eye, I saw her peering down. My character jumping and dying leaving her to try and hide her lip curve upwards. There were a few parts that had me stuck but Tobby helped me out, his expert hands beating the level quicker than I could ever imagine. Even with his brother nagging him about doing it wrong.

The drive came to a close after that, I hadn't noticed we made it to a city and until we were slowing down I didn't even care. I wondered how Ms. Winslet planned this, a giant arena with thousands of people watching a football game being suddenly ok with me wearing a collar and being led around by a leash. Even if she didn't want that how did she suddenly trust me to be in public where I could run away any second? That thought crossed my mind the whole journey through the back bends of the alleys until I noticed we weren't even near the front where all the usual football fans entered. Instead, there was an entrance guarded by men with guns and a tent that guarded the door I would slip out of.

It boggled my mind but I had to remind myself not to get distracted and make Ms. Winslet proud. I wasn't sure who it was we were meeting but I knew it was important to her. And someway somehow I wanted to let her have that. Grace would be happy with me and Ms. Winslet would joke around with me again.

I stood still as Tobby and Jonathan checked us in. Ms. Winslet latched my leash on and raised her eyebrow at me to check-in. I smiled as an answer and we went forward. VIP badges hung from our necks as we were directed through hallways no one else was in. It felt creepy and odd to be so alone in a place that was filled with cheers but every step made me more giddy. Back home I had played soccer ever since I was a young girl, sports were big in my family and I had tried to do it all. By no means was I the best but I certainly had fun.

Finally, after some stairs that made my calves burn we were directed into a room surrounded by glass. Our own personal viewing area had a TV to see the highlights and reclining seats to enjoy the view outside. The only other people inside were a server waiting to take our drink order and an old man with a belly wider than the table he stood at. Beside him was a girl slightly taller than me, her collar spiked with hot pink and her mouth covered with a matching mask.

"Amelia, look at you!" The old man laughed with his whole chest. His suit fighting for its life as he reached over and shook her hand like it was a competition. "You keep getting better looking and I keep getting older."

"God can't favor us all. I hope you are well Philip." She replied, her voice so much quieter than his but just as cheery as she turned towards the server. "Martini extra dry and for her a sprite." Her hand rested on my head before it slid down to my back to push me forward. If it hadn't been my excitement for the soda I probably would have fought it a little harder as I was now in view of the big man who stared down at me.

He studied my features for a moment before smiling. "Oh, she's a pretty one, Amelia." His attention to me was now gone. "I heard you wasted no expense and boy were they right." He looked down at me again and winked leaving me to gulp down what little moisture I had left in my mouth.

She noticed this and brought me close, her arms shielding me from his view as she pointed toward his girl. "And who is this?"

"A new one." Philip didn't even look back at his pet as he took a big sip of his liquor. "They aren't training them like they used to." He didn't wait for Amelia to agree. "It's because you took Grace away." Sitting the empty glass down he pointed towards the view. "Have you already put money down?"

Their conversation shifted and I felt hidden away against Ms. Winslet. My childlike self popped out as I shyly followed her wherever she went and listened taking in the feeling of being so close to her. It was different than being with Grace, she felt like a hug and Ms. Winslet felt like security. Even when her hands left to talk with animation they would come back down to warm the spots they left and I basked in the feeling with my eyes glued shut. I didn't even bother to watch the field where the game began to take place.

When I did open my eyes I was weary about looking over at the other girl. Her blue eyes are swollen and sad. I wondered how to help but I wasn't allowed to leave or talk unless told otherwise so I listened.

"Sit down here, we have plenty to catch up on don't we." Philip directed us towards the comfortable chairs but I was hesitant to sit until I was told to, Ms. Winslet was proud of that, she watched me a minute while the old man spoke to her from his chair the slight glance of her eyes giving me permission. It was meant for people Philips size, my feet hung and my arms reached to get comfortable. "I told them they had to be insane to offer such a lowball but you know how they are." The man's words waved everywhere while he patted the leather seat next to him for his pet to sit on.

As the players on the field began putting up their practice balls and finished up their stretching large trays were brought out and placed in front of us, mine and the other pet snapping to the chair to keep in contained while eating. Pets running off must be an issue for most. Ms. Winslet seemed used to the structure unlike me. I leaned back and let her open the tray for me and I couldn't help but look over at the girl across the way. Her eyes only met mine when Philip leaned up to grab his drink.

There was a whole world I didn't know that I could see in her eyes, the answers to the red marks above her cheeks and the collar too tight around her neck. I even noticed the expensive clothes that covered up secrets I was lucky to not have to keep. Our eye contact wasn't able to stay put for long however as her hand accidentally knocked over a side of her dish. Her sunken nature overtook her as the man stood up with his face redder than the condiments.

My eyes went forward and I froze hearing a smack. A part of me even shook as I waited for the crying girl to be taken out of the room by her master. The man who acted so nice. It had been a few minutes since they had been gone and I still felt my head stay down. Ms. Winslet who seemed to watch the game a little more intensely than before finally looked over and down at me. Her clenched jaw was released as she took a deep breath in and brought her hand over to rest on my thigh.

"No need to be afraid. He can't lay a hand on you." I looked up at her and she smiled down at me. "Not while I'm around."

I gulped, the kindness of her words being rather comforting yet not satisfying as I stared down at her hand. I could feel her looking at me, her irises burning into my face as her thumb grazed the fabric I wore. I couldn't be the pet she wanted me to be in that moment, I found the strength and closed my eyes ready to be dealt with. "Who will protect her?"

The hand on my thigh paused but did not waiver. Ms. Winslet moved after a few seconds of silence before she cleared her throat and fixed her blazer. "Eat your food, Ivy." Though her words were soft her avoidance of me all of a sudden was a clear sign to do what she said.

"Why would you care what a person like that thinks of you?" I said, the food in front of me losing its warmth as her head turned slowly. She looked me over as the back door opened and closed. Only the man returned this time as he sat back down in his seat, the only thing left of her was the leash he was led her by. He immediately went back to his chattering but the blue eyes of the woman stayed on me, almost as if she wanted me to understand with no explanation. But I must have been wrong.

"I am so sorry but it seems my pet wasn't ready like I thought her to be." Ms. Winslet stood up and pointed at the table to be moved away from in front of me. My cheeks immediately grew red as the man seemed to understand. "We will discuss our business at dinner I suppose. Alone."

"Distraction is all they are sometimes." He smiled, his crooked teeth making me feel chilled to the bone. "They are fine to look at but hard to control. Especially the smart ones."

Standing up as she instructed me to I gasped feeling her hand wrap around the back of my neck. She squeezed as she said her last goodbyes to Phillip. My feet strumbled under her long strides down the hallway we came from as she directed me where to go. As we reached the car waiting for us I felt the weight of myself catch as she pushed me against the car. "When did any of my business become open to the opinions of you?" She stated. Her words were clear and crisp to my shrunken ego as I watched Tobby and Jonathan turn the other way. "Look at me Ivy." When I did and her blue eyes could look at me she shook her head. "You're a pet Ivy, nothing about this has anything to do with you."

"Most people leave their pets at home," I said. My attitude surprised me slightly less than the woman who raised only one eyebrow. She stepped back from me and put her hands on her hips. "What are you going to do Amelia? Beat me into submission like him?" My voice cracked at them but I let my fistball. My tiny figure was like that of an angry doll. "Just because you don't treat me as bad as him doesn't make you any better."

Her eyes finally dropped to the ground. The eruption of cheers came from the building behind her as she seemed to be lost in her own world. "Tobby" she called. Her eyes not looking up as she called for the driver. "Take Ivy to the hotel. Put her in my room and watch the door. No one in or out."

"Yes ma'am." He opened the door for me but when I didn't get in he looked at Ms. Winslet. Her hands finally left her hips as she walked forward. Her hand raised and I winced waiting for her to show her similarities to the man but it didn't happen, instead, she rested her palm on my cheek. She stepped closer and let her lips that parted meet my surprised ones as she kissed me as softly as a person could. As quickly as she was next to me the quicker she was gone. She took my hand and helped me into the car, her perfume wafting towards my still-stocked face as she buckled me in and handed me my hand console.

"Good pets get rewards. I don't need to beat you to get you to listen, I just need to show you what you will get if you listen to me." She picked my chin up and made me look at her even though my voice was caught and my cheeks glowed brighter than the colors of the jersey. "Be a good girl for me." Kissing my cheek again she shut the door leaving me to feel where she had once been as we drove away.


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