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Grace was kind, kinder than everyone else I had met up until then. She took time to show me every part of the house including the spots that didn't seem necessary, she kept looking at me seeing if I had anything to say but there was nothing important enough for me to add. I couldn't find the words. It felt like they were on the tip of my tongue but no one would listen. I couldn't take her not caring to hear either.

It wasn't until we had entered an office and Grace had finished talking about a story that I couldn't even remember that I felt like I even had the energy to ask. "Why am I here?"

The older woman with short blonde hair must have been waiting for that. She only put my file down and sent back a tight smile, one that made my head drop. "You've been specially chosen to live here and be an important part of this household!" Grace said those words slowly but they seemed adequate enough as she walked over to me where I stood frozen in the middle of the room. "I wish I had more comforting words to say but this is what it is. And I'm here to help you understand that Ivy."

"That's not my name." I hung my head trying to hold back tears. It felt crazy, it felt unreal and dream like to be in a room with someone I had barely met and have them tell me this was it. I was living in another country and I had no idea why. Why would Ms. Winslet go to an auction and steal me? Buy me and bring me to her house to do what?

"Well it is." Grace put her hand on my back and rubbed softly, minding the brand aid on my shoulder. "I can't be of much help there but I can do my best. And my best is being honest." She pulled out a chair for me and patted the back as a signal. I complied and she went to her desk. "It's quite odd that the organization didn't explain anything to you but then again they have done worse." Getting out her computer she started flipping through the pages of my files and began entering information in. "You are a certified pet my dear. Your job is to listen, obey, and please your owner. Which of course is Ms. Winslet."

My breath hitched but she wasn't done talking so I only leaned back and squeezed my hands together.

"The lines can get rather blurry with some but one thing is for sure, my boss Ms. Winslet is a morally good character and she will take proper care of you and so will I." She opened up the sack of my belongings and began to go through them. "Understandably a lot of this will be emotionally and physically difficult but I will help it all be easier. Starting with answering questions."

I looked down at my palms that showed my fingernail marks. I had been squeezing so tightly I hadn't even realized the indent I made. "I'm a pet?" I felt my hair move as Grace stood behind me. Her soft touch making my skin jump as a golden "collar" was put around my neck. A small tag hanging from the front indicating my name and my owner.

"It's a very complimentary title I believe." Putting my hair back down a brushing it out softly she turned my chair to face her. "Although your status brings you to the bottom your care is top priority, no one is more important than you. More will be learned with time I promise."

"Will I get to see my parents?" Watching her bend down I gulped hearing a snap around my ankle. A very slim and slick device glowed as Grace stayed at her position, her neck now having to raise to look up at me.

"That's not something to concern yourself with. How about I explain your schedule?" Pointing at the paperwork as she went back around her desk I watched as she seemed to double check her work. Her lips moving as she did so, her voice ultimately being only for her until she cleared her throat and pointed at a dry erase board that she pulled out from behind a bookcase. "I will fetch you bright and early every morning. I'll help you get ready for the day and you will immediately go to the kitchen where you will eat breakfast. Afterwards you will have chores assigned to you. No one here is a slacker." She winked but I didn't find it funny so she continued. "After lunch you will get a one hour nap. You'll need it. It will prepare you for training and more chores with me. Then after dinner you will be there for Ms. Winslet."

"Be there for-"

She interrupted. "It's broad term but it will be different day to day but it's the most important part of your day. You have to act appropriately." She cleared her throat again and wrote down the last thing. "Then you will come see me where I will get you ready for bed."

It felt insulting, naps, clothes picked out for me, and bed times? "I'm not a child."

"No, you are a pet." Grace put her marker down. "Let me show you to your room, you seem tired." Her happy attitude seemed to drop a notch as she attached a leash to the back of my collar. Causing me to roll my eyes. "Where I do understand this is all new and slightly scary I recommend you refrain from the eye rolls. I will be patient at first but I will also be honest: you won't like me once training starts."

I gulped feeling her tug the chain down. "Why are you using that?"

"A pet can't be off leash until they are leash trained."

My breathing became hitched as I reached up to grab what was gripped around my neck. I couldn't do it, I pulled away feeling it make it worse as she held on tight to the end. "Take it off please." I begged feeling her pull tighter. I was struggling but her footing stayed steady as she watched me fall to my knees trying to undo what was connected to my collar. Why couldn't I take it off?

"It's alright Ivy." She bent down to try and comfort me but she saw no avail. She only took something out from her pockets and took of the end. From the corner of my eye I saw her shush me as a needle came into view. I panicked trying to get away but was stopped as a  pinch pierced my arm. "Just relax baby." I tried fighting some more but was helpless to the liquid that filled my body, I loosened up and immediately fell into her arms. She wasn't concerned however as she picked me up, her arms bracing me as my tired head fell into her shoulders. All my senses falling asleep as I listened to her hum and watched my view go black.

The next morning I had almost forgotten I wasn't in my bed, the one that faced the wall filled with my favorite bands. The smell of my mom making waffles and bacon, the light from the morning sun shining through to let me know it was another day. Inside I woke to see a my arm with the imprints of sheets, I had slept so hard my head felt heavy to raise. The bed I slept in felt big compared to what I was used to and it was flowing with colorful blankets and pillows. I felt like I was in a nest of comfort. That was until I saw the walls around it. I was only wearing a shirt and a harness the harness connecting me to a bolt in the wall to keep me from straying. If that wasn't enough the walls around the bed seemed like that of a crib only it went from the bed all the way up to the ceiling.

I was able to reach the side of the bed and look between the obstacle, my bedside table had a monitor staring back at me so I tried my best to keep quite but it was no use, I heard the door open shortly after. "Good morning sleepy head!" Grace's smile seemed to out of place as she went to the window and raised the blinds, her hair was put in place my a bandana and her blue over walls covered a striped shirt. "I can barely say morning since you slept through breakfast." Going to the closet she hummed while looking through the options.

I used the time she was distracted to look around at my options once more, nothing seeming easy enough for an escape.

"I will leave this for you and I will wait outside your room ok sweetie?" She opened the bed up for me so I could have access to the room and undid the harness, I didn't even feel it fall off as she left leaving me alone. I did everything I could to leave, the windows bolted, the door of course intercepted by Grace, the drawers only lined with activities and useless things as I groaned and fell to the floor in defeat. I would find a way, I could slip out when they trusted me. There were too many people that were watching and too many devices to ensure my capture. It was essential that I shines their trust and then I could slip away unnoticed. They wouldn't even have time to realize I was gone.

Feeling confident with my plan I put my overalls over my white shirt and left the room to be greeted by a glowing Grace. "You look adorable." Turning me she combed my hair back with her hands and put my hair up in a high ponytail. "Do you think you can handle a walk?" She held up the leash and I remembered the shot immediately so I nodded. Grace was happy with that response. "We can stop by the kitchen and grab you something quick to eat before our walk. I'll show you where the chickens are. I think that will be the perfect morning chore for you."

We walked down the hallway normally but when the voice of Ms. Winslet was heard in the distance Grace paused and looked over at me. "Get on the left side and stand one foot behind me. This is how it is appropriate to walk. Do not let her see you walking any different behind her or me. Do you understand?"

Grace wasn't an immediate daunting person, but when her piecing eyes met mine I did feel like I was where I belonged. I only looked up at her and nodded. Even without her heels she towered of me. Her height was the same if not a few inches shorter than Ms. Winslet who we passed shortly after. I kept my head down as I tried to concentrate on walking correctly but I couldn't help but glance over at the woman on the phone. Her uninterest in me concerning as she closed the door to her office.

I felt like asking about the strange mysterious woman but I wasn't given a chance as we reached the kitchen quickly. My hands were then filled with a juice and a breakfast bar. "How about an apple, I can cut it for you if you'd like." Grace hurried through the empty room and I only watched her as she took out a knife and began chopping the fruit. "In that small cup there's some pills why don't you take those. They are an important part of your day."

Picking up the clear cup I studied the pills inside and shook them around. "What are they?"

Grace gave an uninterested shrug. "Vitamins mostly." When she didn't hear me say anything else she glanced back over. "Take them Ivy."

I thought of how I could hide them instead but it was no use, she watched me carefully and I couldn't think of anything else. I took them one at a time until my drink was gone and my cup was empty. I was rewarded with a pink cup filled with apple slices and I took it a little too quickly. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until that moment. My mind not even bothering to ask if the food was poisoned or if those pills were my demise.


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