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Hello everyone! Here’s a playlist for a VERY special Hivemind Bracket. It's special for two reasons.

  1. Riley and Graydon have each selected their 32 favorite songs of all time. This 64 song bracket will decide who has better taste.
  2. We will not be deciding what wins, YOU will.

We are only sending this to our Patreon members because we trust that you will really listen to the songs, formulate your own opinions, and vote not based on what’s popular or which songs you already know, but which song you think is truly better in each match-up. For that reason, we also won’t be telling you which songs Graydon picked & which ones Riley picked. Give the whole playlist a listen before you vote.

A week from today, 9/27, DJ Grant will send out a Google Form with all 32 first round matchups. That Form will be open for voting for 2 days. Once first round winners are decided, Grant will send out 2nd round matchups (9/29), then 3rd round matchups (10/1) - and so on and so forth until we have a winner.

Graydon and Riley will not know the winner of ANY of the matchups when they film. They’ll play clips of the songs and discuss like usual, but then DJ Grant will tell them which song you guys picked to move on in each match-up.

For the first time in Hivemind Bracket history, you guys have total control. We hope you enjoy the playlist, see you in a week for round 1!


Riley & Graydon's Favorite Songs of All Time Bracket

Riley & Graydon's Favorite Songs of All Time Bracket · Playlist · 64 songs



This is great, I have a similar musical taste to Riley so a lot of the stuff I’m pretty sure he picked I already know and love but what I’m assuming are Graydon’s picks have introduced me to some great songs! (Outstanding by the Gap Band is amazing)

Ms. Understood

riley sure does love instruments