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since the DM spam yesterday wasn't clear to a lot of you. There is once again an issue with the patreon team and me. If you see posts disappearing/changed please be patient and don't sent insults and share your anger towards me in the dms. I already have so much to deal with, you really aren't a help.

There is a high chance that May will bring lots of changes and there is a possibility that I might switch/expand to another platform.

Update, April 20; 18:06: Ok everything is fine again. -_-
I was working on a plan to split the tiers between Patreon and another platform, make new tiers/combine the two lower ones. But I totally forgot that some patrons paid annually. And according to the Help Center, Patrons won't get money back if they downgrade. Buh. 

So the tiers will remain as they are <_< but the some of the rewards will be delivered differently now. Sigh. This is so stressful. Imma cry.



I am not angry, however I would be very upset if you switch platforms after I just subscribed to the annual ultimate tier.


I'm so sorry, Idoraa-san 🥺